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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Very much appreciate the factual response. I'm well aware of the awesomeness and "cheap"ness of the AR platform, I'm about to buy one myself.
  2. That's legitimately the only thing I could think that would significantly differentiate the utility of an AR vs Mini14.
  3. Honest question, what's so bad about a mini14 as police armament? Not as tacticool as an AR but shoots the same ammo and if a user is more proficient, and they can be obtained at a lower average cost for similar or better reliability, it seems like a smart move? EDIT: I ask because I'm not experienced with long guns
  4. TIL that OEM Expedition wheels are "Dub style" :dumb:
  5. If you want an idea of how little verified info is available on this stuff, follow the Associated Press on twitter or keep an eye on their stories. AP ONLY reports factual, verified information. They do not speculate, they do not editorialize. It's by far the best news source available, even if it does take a little longer and appear more bare-bones than what many are used to. EDIT: Also, inb4falseflag
  6. I've had a couple issues with Prime shipping lately, several items delayed. Always by the shipper, not Amazon. They've been good about helping me out, but it's definitely frustrating.
  7. you tend to see this mostly around rural gas stations/stations in travel centers along major interstates. Drive around Polaris and you'll see a $.30-40 gap from reg/prem, go up one exit to Delaware/Sunbury off I71 and it's a $.80 gap. Bullshit.
  8. I've read "white male with glasses and beard" I think it's time to wage war on glasses-wearing, bearded men...oh wait, sorry DJ
  9. Long story short is the healthcare industry is completely and utterly FUCKED due to many people simply not paying their bills, and the rest of us pay for it one way or another.
  10. and is it ok if they've absorbed the millions of farts of soulless office drones?
  11. Samsung is IMO the best TV brand but I don't know if they are above producing a "black friday special" aka a poorer-quality clone of their own product that they can sell for a ludicrous price. I'm wary of any black friday electronics deals.
  12. That IS the old Geo Metro wheezer with a bunch (presumably) Pep Boys upgrades, since that will be the official service provider of Elio. "Your oil change will take approximately 30 minutes, would you like us to to apply chrome letters to the back of your 'car' while we're at it? We'd be happy to spell your name, or some other nom-de-plume? May I suggest 'DANK NUGGGS', that seems to be popular here these days, or perhaps a simple DUB EDITION logo? We also have a wide variety of fake chrome vents if you are so inclined"
  13. Hmmmm wasn't his "breakdown" right around 4 years ago? I was thinking it was a bit out of the ordinary at the time.
  14. And asshole is an asshole, it's just that the hate group du jour associates itself with Islam. Plenty of Americans, horrible ones at that, celebrated when white supremacist Dylann Roof murdered innocent African-Americans at a church. He was not radicalized by Islam. If anything he was radicalized by white supremacists, the KKK, and the persecution of George Zimmerman. Does that mean that everyone who believes George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin was justified should be seen as someone who sympathizes with Roof and other white supremacists who see the murder of African-Americans as justified?
  15. Unfortunate. There are many Christians who espouse hate for Muslims, not realizing that Islam is a religion of peace. It's like saying that all Christians are just like the Westboro Baptist Church just because they get a lot of TV airtime. What's awful to me is that people blame Islam, but people who do that are part of the problem. The enemy is hatred for fellow man based on differing beliefs. It's not something that can be shot or bombed or destroyed with weapons, only something that can be destroyed with education and compassion.
  16. Remember though, multiple terrorist organizations claimed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attacks. I won't believe it until it's verified by multiple intel communities.
  17. Hope it didn't devolve into racist tirades, I was more hooked into AP/BBC tv news last night and didn't really pay attention to CR, when I looked this morning there was nothing which surprised me.
  18. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34820016 http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_FRANCE_PARIS_SHOOTINGS_THE_SCENE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-11-13-23-56-37 Terrorist attacks last night in Paris. Source of assault is unknown, though many sources currently point to ISIS. Obvious speculation is retaliation for Jihadi John strike, but unknown as well. Over 100 people killed, many of them young people including Americans at Eagles of Death Metal show at Le Bataclan. Multiple suicide belts/vests/non-vehicle bombs involved, as well as assaults with automatic rifles. Curfew was imposed on Paris last night, and French borders closed, both for the first time since WWII. An attack on anyone in the peace-loving world is an attack on all of us.
  19. The whole RV will be a hexagon, which will allow faster-than-light speed travel, which will allow Wiggles to ascend from his human form and become one with the stars.
  20. Yeah I'll probably just put a couple lines out with local repair store to see what they might find.
  21. I really appreciate the depth of your response. The BMW is my dad's and he usually goes to the dealer for stuff, but they want $600 for the OBC alone before labor so even at $250 it's a much better deal. I don't know exactly what the failure on that is, but if it's the backlights I'll definitely try that. He says the brake switch thing is signaled by an intermittent "Brake Light Circuit" warning, possibly on the OBC itself. This was all explained to me in a long rambling email so I have yet to get in the car to toy with it. That's next Tuesday's project. Appreciate all the advice, guys.
  22. I'm gonna be helping my dad who is not in town replace the 11-button OBC and brake light switch that have failed on his '96 E36 M3. There's a lot of guides online but most of them relate specifically to the 18-button units. My questions that hopefully someone can answer: 1) Where can I find an 11-button OBC? I see them online for $250, hoping to find one local for less, but I'm obviously not plugged in to parts sources. Rockauto doesn't have what I need. 2) Re: brake light switch, do I need 2-pin or 4-pin and/or how do I find out which one I need. I don't have the car handy, and though I have access to it I'm hoping that I can do all this work at once rather than disassemble, ID parts, order parts, wait for parts, replace parts, reassemble.
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