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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. what's even creepier is the guy standing in the back of pics 1+2 getting a chubby from the whole ordeal
  2. I don't believe that there are no absolutes. I simply believe that treating every societal debate as an absolute right or an absolute wrong is ridiculous. Slavery was beneficial to white plantation owners who were the ones with both financial and political power. Does that mean slavery was a good thing?
  3. Making fun of typing skills is not an adequate substitute for having a legitimate point. The problem with OSUGT's assessment of Benz Guy's opinion of the status quo is that it deals in absolutes; the idea that our president is ABSOLUTELY right in his policy in Iraq, the idea that Israel is ABSOLUTELY right in their intense retribution against Hezbollah, the idea that we would ABSOLUTELY be attacked were it not for the efforts of our valiant armed forces abroad. While you may be content to feel safe in the "cocoon" that our borders provide (if we can even call it that anymore), I aspire to travel elsewhere in the world and not be hated because I'm American. I'm not completely defending Benz Guy. The connections he makes are sometimes coincidental and weak at best, but a lot of times he at least makes valid points that don't deal in absolutes.
  4. good points indeed. However, shit isn't gonna change til 08 so people can just stop bitching about it til then. I'm not saying I agree with any of the policies (in fact, I don't) but there's very little that can be done to change things now.
  5. translation:http://serban17.tripod.com/album/retard.jpg
  6. gay drinks on another note, Liquid Cocaine, Redheaded Sluts, Jagerbombs, Hp'n'Hennessey aka The Incredible Hulk aka Hpnotiq and Hennessey, a at least a shot of one of the following: Johnny Walker Blue Label, Patron Platinum, Hennessey VSOP or XO, and some kind of 25 year single malt. or you could just figure out what kinda booze you like, and see what kinda drinks contain that at drinksmixer.com
  7. the little n00b is learning to e-battle! i'm starting to enjoy this kid
  8. fight it. you should've gotten her badge #, though it should be on the ticket she issued you. call in and complain.
  9. if only the shipping company wasn't run by a bunch of autofellating retards, maybe. its been 50+ days and we've switched companies, paid more money, and still nothing. fucking idiots.
  10. http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=main/7/19915251187.gif&s=f10
  11. not all of us need to resort to cars to get chicks to eye-fuck us. but it helps
  12. I've done their Acura high performance schools + their lapping days. Its great to do the lapping day; you do a track walk, then some quick lead follow (20 min max) then open lapping all day with lots of feedback from the instructors.
  13. i'm tired cuz i masturbate too much
  14. He may know a lot, he may have been around cars for years more than you, but nothing...and this is very important...NOTHING substitutes pure experience in driving. Brendedn has proven himself to be a semi-rational, intelligent, and mature individual which is more than a good percentage of the people on CR can say. However, with age comes experience. Thinking that your knowledge and above-average maturity is a good enough replacement for pure driving experience is foolish. While you're to be commended for your patience and intelligence, humility is infintely more important.
  15. What I gather from this thread: -Mansfield sucks and is inundated with white trash -BigRick is a trash talking, benchracing douchebag, so people will probably like him here on CR -Apparently, if you don't race you're a big menstruating pussy and don't deserve to drive a fast car -This thread sucks -When white trash and fast cars meet, inevitably someone's going to get suckerpunched and the cops will get involved -http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/9217/dramallama0fb.jpg
  16. i know nothing about 1/4 mile passes and i'm pretty ignorant about drag racing. but shouldn't/couldn't she be trapping a helluvalot higher than that??
  17. are you out of your FNG mind??? you'll fit right in:D
  18. well said; his holiness the Dangerfield may he rest in peace
  19. i think i speak for everyone when say this: all that really matters about this is who put what in whose butt. and sexxy94z, don't think i'm trying to get on you (i'm 2 years younger...i know my place on the food chain), but if chris was dick enough to cheat with you on that pile of bacon, you're too damn good for him anyways. seacrest, out
  20. :rolleyes:congrats on your high jump achievements:jerkit:
  21. looks like you've got some fit issues with the grill
  22. the market for phallic objects is infintely expandable
  23. check out spaceghost's white STi http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27173&highlight=zaino its not silver, but its a lighter color
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