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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I've always thought that, in a business setting, if you're wearing a button-down shirt you should have a tie. Without it I think you look like a waiter.
  2. I got an invite from Tony G (great guy) a while ago and just received an invite from Google, which I'm happy to pass on. Anyone want it?
  3. Reasons I will never ever live somewhere with HOA in any form... 1) what was the site that Miller used to send poo poo to the CTD nutswinger? 2) what is Cunty McGee's address?
  4. If you need studded tires to handle Ohio winter you need to hand in your driver's license.
  5. Just checked my tread depth. Rears at 2/32, fronts at 1/32 :lolguy::dumb: Winters go on Monday.
  6. Not sure if you had your car last winter but don't wait til it snows; they're fucking awful. I've been driving on my Eagle F1s on the wear bars now for a month waiting for it to get cold enough for snows. Traction is hard to come by these days. I always preferred Blizzaks but this past year I bought Goodyear UltraGrip Ice WRT for a couple reasons. 1) very inexpensive in my tire size and 2) 1-2/32 more tread depth than most other mfrs. They were incredibly durable and very grippy in the slush this past year.
  7. Every time I bring up something I've gotten from CR people ask if it's a magical fairyland where people just give shit away to each other. And I tell them that's exactly what it is. That and thinly veiled homoeroticism.
  8. As always you're the man for offering this.
  9. got mine set up and love it, but as soon as I get some invites i'll PIF here.
  10. parking concerns are for soccer moms not arguing that it's not huge and/or underpowered, but if they've worked for police for decades they work for me.
  11. Oops, didn't realized I'd logged into columbusdomesticatedmanbitches.com, I'll see myself out.
  12. Even mentioning this on a car forum should be grounds for banhammering. OP should've got a Marauder, or at least an '03 LSE, but I love me some panther platforms. Get that bitch on '84s.
  13. "Sir, I detect a distinct odor of flatus. Because of this, I believe your gastrointestinal discomfort is because you are hiding drugs. This gives me reasonable suspicion to search your vehicle."
  14. Satin may be the beast from the hellfire but gat dayum he's silky smooth.
  15. Depends what he's trying to play but yeah, this thing will run a lot of games well.
  16. Or just out him so we can PM him photos of our morning bowel movements.
  17. It'd be absolutely ridiculous to throw over $100million at this fiasco. The whole idea of these loans is to take companies whose ideas would otherwise be unfunded and non-starters and give them a boost with the hopes that their unique use of technology trickles into the mass market and the overall social benefit is worth the risk of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in unproven ideas. Elio's idea is not only completely derivative (T-Rex, Morgan 3wheeler) of past vehicles, it is entirely unusable for a majority of American families, and past attempts at similar ideas (Snyder ST-600C for example) have been failures and have done nothing to improve or change the automotive marketplace. "Simplify then add lightness" has been around for a long time, but it doesn't conform with safety regs and makes for a pretty shitty daily driver experience. Good riddance.
  18. Not having the flu won't help you get the Fire stick, but if you get the Fire stick and get the flu at least you'll have endless entertainment while you're sick.
  19. What are you, trying to make us all autistic? I'll have you know that Jenny McCarthy AND Jim Carrey agree that vaccines are bad.
  20. Supplicium has hooked me up once or twice, try PMing him.
  21. <--- Not a doctor Obviously they're recommended for everyone. I think the danger to kids is greater than to adults, so I would never hesitate to vaccinate my kids if I had any. However, I've never gotten a flu shot as an adult, and not having kids plays a part. I know that I'm not a hypochondriac so I don't freak out at the earliest sign of illness but if I'm sick, I'll go get treated. The last time I got a flu shot I didn't get the flu, but I also felt like I had a mild cold for the next 364 days. To me that's always been the tradeoff, and I'll take the risk with a smile.
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