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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Columbus. Clinton Twp area. I work on the East side off Brice rd. I'm still rockin' a stock FMIC but that'll be my next purchase. So many options flooding the market I'm just waiting for prices to drop during a black friday sale or something.
  2. Two words: Caveat emptor. I'd never buy a car without seeing it first unless it had a money-back guarantee.
  3. the HP numbers definitely aren't there, but they're torquey as fuck. Factory rated at 270 lb ft but Rally Sport Direct (among others) claim their stock cars dyno'd at 280-290 lb ft. OP I have a V2 accessport I might consider selling... PM me if you want to meet up some time to feel the difference.
  4. I'm the same username here as on focusst.org. Welcome to the club, I've got a '13 ST2 in Tuxedo Black. Keeping it stock? Modding?
  5. My house is now a balmy 95 degrees and rising, thanks for the help :lolguy:
  6. Completely understand your thinking (and that you have to assume that everyone is dumb) but a thermostat replacement is pretty simple and straightforward, isn't it?
  7. Steal your neighbor's electricity, that way your bill will be super low. Seriously, though, programmable thermostats are great.
  8. Buick Roadmaster Estate, put all the money you saved into making it faster.
  9. I architected you a house. That'll be $10,000 please http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/architarded.png
  10. Got a pretty solid deal with at&t, just left TWC who can rot in hell with Comcast.
  11. Truth. Random question for someone who knows better than I do: about 4 years ago we had a used 2003 Grand Marquis on our lot. What was bizarre about it was that it had a floor-mounted automatic rather than a column shifter and a center console rather than front bench seat. From what I understand, it was the "LSE" model, was that basically a CVPI with Merc badges?
  12. As I say with all used cars, you're buying someone else's problems 99% of the time. Who wants to buy a government problem when you can get a grandma-mobile Grand Marquis with 1/3 of the miles/abuse for a bit more money?
  13. Do you mean Cory & Trevor? http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvvkw50PKR1r7jlzao1_500.jpg
  14. Fuckin' right. And as has been said, it actually will protect the good cops and hopefully put a quick end to a lot of baseless police brutality claims.
  15. We were supposed to move into our house (rental) August 1. Landlord couldn't get someone to clean the carpets until the 5th. They were still soaked with dog piss from prev. tenant so we tore them out ourselves and asked the landlord to refinish the hardwood floors underneath. We couldn't get into the place until the 19th, and our old apt. lease was up the 20th. That was a hellish 3 weeks but at least I'm only paying 30% rent this month.
  16. I'm not big on surveillance, but when it comes to being on the job I have no problem with it. As a car salesperson, I get accused of some ridiculous shit and I'm usually pretty happy to have everything I do on security camera so I can refute it. As copperhead said, the good cops should have no issue with it and the bad ones will be exposed.
  17. BRB starting a patent troll company to patent this idea then sue you :dumb:
  18. I think your theory holds water, but then again a lot of them do. I think neither the officer's story nor Brown's friend's story make any sense whatsoever. I think everyone is wrong; Brown was wrong IF he stole cigars and threatened the cashier and assaulted an officer. The officer is wrong IF he killed an unarmed teen (still deserves due process). The friend of Brown's is wrong IF he is lying about his story (I think he is). The media is wrong for what I believe is inciting the tension to the point of riots. I don't think we'll ever know the truth, and I don't think justice will ever be done. That is the ONE way I believe this case has any similarity to Trayvon/Zimmerman's case.
  19. Yabba dabba do it flintstone style http://www.chicagonow.com/god-running-partner/files/2014/04/FredFlinstoneBraking1.jpg
  20. Yes, but the felonious action has been alleged by 3 parties: the officer accused of the shooting, a mysterious radio caller known as "Josie" and the friggin' media. Again, no evidence has been presented and the victim/accused has not been afforded his right to due process. Even with violent felonies, the glory of our country is that you are treated as innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to your day in court. And what worries me, and a few others in this thread, is the increasingly popular opinion that because he was ACCUSED of felonies somehow justifies his death at the hands of a public officer. If what he did directly put the officer's life in danger, then that is one thing, but I don't know that we'll ever see the truth of that matter. And in those situations, I'm always going to err on the side of caution and assume the public would be better served by an officer NOT killing someone.
  21. You're forgetting he was guilty of walking while black, so he probably was also guilty of everything else he's accused of :dumb:
  22. OK I dug a bit deeper. Since Brown had no priors, he would not be charged with first degree menacing. Therefore, the two remaining degrees are both misdemeanors. Key word there being "misdemeanor" and not "felony". Just stressing the importance of knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions.
  23. 1) Stealing a pack of cigars aka petty theft is a misdemeanor. 2) Even menacing, with no weapon, is either a misdemeanor or the lowest felony charge. 3) He never had his Constitutionally-protected right to a trial or due process (see my earlier posts in this thread). 4) The officer did not stop him because he was a suspect in the alleged theft. 5) "Just saying" what? That people accused of felonies deserve to be shot before the facts of their case are discovered? The "just saying" mentality is exactly the problem with so-called debate in the media. Idiots like Piers Morgan, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Kieth Olbermann are all guilty of shitty journalism when they ask leading questions followed by "just saying." It's a half-ass way of providing a terrible argument/hypothesis with no supporting evidence, then allowing the listener to draw their own erroneous conclusions based on unsubstantiated assumptions rather than a hypothesis that stands up to the scientific method with a broad sample of supporting evidence. edit: Again, we've covered this. Police are trained to use matching force, BUT TO USE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF FORCE NECESSARY to de-escalate a situation. The facts of this case have not revealed themselves so it's imprudent to assume the officer was right or wrong in his use of lethal force but based on what we do know, there was no attempt to use less-than-lethal force prior to Brown's death.
  24. Best post in this thread from one of the few people here who could be considered "media".
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