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Posts posted by carl1647545492

  1. I run a Baratza preciso and a takahiro kettle on an 01 sized v60. I use the wave and aeropress a lot too. Check out the acaia scale as well, I love mine for pour over. I've also got a chemex and some able brewing gear but it just sits in a cabinet.


    Best place to get beans imo is cafe brioso. They just opened a new cafe. Their yirgacheffe is great. Yeah me too has good beans, cash only though, Impero is okay, one line is my least favorite place but their baristas made it far into nationals this year so they do know what they're doing. Luck Bros is pretty good but I prefer the bean from brioso. I have to check out staufs and mission coffee still.


    What is your grinder? If you haven't already ordered a good burr grinder you're not going to get any sort of good results or be able to dial in a flavor you like.


    Thanks...there is a grinder built in I dunno if its good enough though,I guess that makes a big difference on the taste?

  2. Who does not like it ? I think I,m addicted to it so I have done the next logical thing I have ordered a Espresso Machine,its a Delonghi super automatic and I can't wait to get it.


    I,m a newb with anything other than a coffee press but looking forward to getting some killer caffeine motivation every morning,if anyone knows where the good beans are in city let me know,cheers.


    This is the machine were getting https://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/delonghi-magnifica-esam3300-superautomatic-espresso-machine-refurbished

  3. Lewis center/Olentangy/anything north up to the Delaware line,schools great homes great the only minus is traffic.


    Delaware would be a option too less expensive and could be a better buy price wise and not too far away from all the good stuff


    North Westerville is great too used to live in Amherst,older community mature trees,I have seen properties go on the market and be sold in 1 day.


    Good luck.

  4. What would be the benefits to me the buyer? and the potential cons?


    I would expect in a less than ideal way to buy a house there would be some good deals to be had.....I,m wondering if that is true or not?



    I bought a repo car once from a auction the previous owner didn't give a shit maintaining it duh! I had to pay the piper down the line,that would have been great if I was buying 50 cents on the dollar.

  5. Whempys Chimney Sweeps also does duct cleaning if you're in to that. The owner's son is a member on here as well as one of the guys who works there.



    Cool maybe he can chime in.


    I get it not all duct cleaning is the same i.e. carpet co,s use a carpet machine and it only reaches so far and sucks less.


    I heard his pitch on speaker phone and it was very slick


    Its just the $$$

  6. Kids coughing like a mo fo.....shes got it in her head we need to get them cleaned and we do.


    The builders left so much shit in the ducts when we built it wasn't funny,I regret sighing off before getting them to get rid of all the rocks and drywall.





    The question is: why?


    If your furnace filter is functioning well the supply ducts should be pretty clean.


    The return air ducts everything gets filtered.


    If anything spending $500 on a better filtration system would probably yield more results.


    We change the furnace filter every few months the problem is the 20 feet of duct to each floor

  7. The underground works to get around all over London if you just want to hoof it...pubs dunno

    any but throw a stone,lots of good stuff out there to see Brits in their natural habitat.


    Chelsea,Hyde Park is the upscale end good for car spotting,I would think you could go visit some high end showrooms http://www.london.mclaren.com/news-and-gallery/take_a_tour_of_the_mclaren_london_showroom....


    Pretend your relatives left you billions in farming futures and you want to get a cool ride to test drive and lord around in???


    You could drive down to Bath for a day lots of stuff to see Roman baths cool architecture less commercial that would be pretty cool its a few hours away so hit Stonehenge while your at it.

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