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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. Indeed, but I don't see many cars running about with two extra snowmobile engines stuck on them. There is such thing as sticking too good. Alot of teams tried odd things, Gas Turbine power and 4-engined cars never took off, either. lol
  2. Drag coefficient gearing driving luck All huge factors in racing.
  3. If you're a good service writer, then you're a good salesman. Go sell something else. Something people want, rather than need (like boats), they'll be less pissed when they come see you.
  4. That is how my grandmother died, after a stroke. Luckily, she was barely able to articulate her wishes to the doctor, and the feeding tube was never put in. For a man of faith such as yourself, I'd think forced sustained life in such a state would appear more cruel.
  5. yeah, lets put the religion stuff in another thread, those tend to grow too fast. Rick, Re: Terri Schiavo You're people went to great effort to convein and pass legislation that REMOVED the spouses ability to choose. IIRC it was the fasting thing ever done by the legislative branch. If that's not diving head-on into the flavor of the month, I don't know what is.
  6. I've found your doppelganger: http://www.f4group.co.uk/images/jimmy_carr.jpg In appearence and humor.
  7. The only medicine I take is sweet sweet alcohol, and that's in moderation (especially when compared to many on this site! ). I treat wounds and take a decongestant every now and then, my last notable illness was Mono back in middle school, though I did get a wicked cold a couple months ago. I attribute that to getting old.
  8. Das 2001 Patriot Act. Many have since admitted to signing it without reading it. Premier Bush got a rubber stamp on a great many things following 2001.
  9. Shark noses lean forward: http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/452000-452999/452470_5.jpg That should be called "The Allegheny".
  10. Damn rick. I approve this message. I will submit that this is mildly different, as the drug has been ingested by humans for years. Appropriate dosage is a huge question mark, but at least the side effects are documented. Some traditional treatments have debatably worse side effects.
  11. I can show you a whole list of said morons that you voted for/ would have voted for if you were in their district. There were even some Dems on the list. You yourself were/are likely one of the supporters of the same issue. Curious? I'll save you the usual off-the-cuff remarks like "The right fell for the bright shinny object in the last two consecutive presidential elections."
  12. Rick, do you really want to go down this path? Are you implying that we can't find evidence of idiot conservatives being pwnt in the same way? Srsly?
  13. And he failed pathetically. I've broken a few animal necks, this fucking moron had no idea what he was doing. Breaking a goose neck is bloody easy.
  14. yessir. I'm wondering what part of the nerve is damaged. My dad had issue with his axons loosing their mylen(sp?) coating during chemo (or radiation). The result was pain rather than numbness.
  15. Just read a study on DCLs use as a metabolic therapy. It helped the problems, but the side effect was peripheral nerve damage. I couldn't find if it was painfull damage or numbing damage.
  16. True. Vaccines are not a cure. If there was a cure (meaning you could be treat in the rare case that you'd contract it), why have vaccines?
  17. Phamicutical industry = industry. It wouldn't suprise me either way. If I had cancer, I'd be taking it (barring any significant side effects). If it doesn't effect the living cells, what have you to lose?
  18. Reading that inspired me. Have a look at what a humble air cooled engine can do ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT6bJeheAN0&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LejGxKsnvIc&mode=related&search=
  19. Wanna sell houses? Move to Dallas. If you don't mind the distance of the move, you aught like the town and the industry down there. Best of luck, man. I lost a 5yr job, it was blamed on the housing downturn, too (I put blame elsewhere ). You'll be fine, I would advise looking at other industries, though. I'm a pessimist, though.
  20. There is allot that is right and wrong. Poison ivy, and other plants, secretes an oil. The rash is an reaction to this oil. One good shower with real soap will remove the oil. No loofa moisturizing Axe shit, soap. I hammer the point home with orange clean or some other good degreaser. The problem now is the allergic reaction. To put things simply; good luck figuring that one out. It's all bout your body and its chemical mood at this point in your life. Being a wiggy allergic reaction, one part of your body doesn't need to contact the oil to react to it. Like a bee sting causing hive everywhere. I suggest Benadryl, or anything else shown to help with allergic reactions.
  21. No such thing. Horribly inefficient location for them, though. I doubt he's getting any impressive results with it.
  22. This is a fun game, kinda like talking to a mirror. lol Regan cut taxes for the wealthy, by allot. Clinton raised taxes for the wealthy, top 1.2% actually, and lowerd them on the lower 15% (IIRC), and small buisnesses. Yet Reganomics produced a little more then half of what Clintons '93 econ-plan did. The simple answer to your question is that the 93 plan relied heavily on fiscal discipline. If you want to find out who's 8 years of management worked better, just look at the numbers. "Blah bal previous administration", ok, sure, these were both two-term presedents. At the end of their final term, the previous administration WAS their administration. I'm at work right now, last day before vacation, I've already wasted too much time posting, I'm not spending an hour dragging up specific documents. I'm busy, go ask a professor.
  23. No, I'm going to do what you did, Call it bullshit and log off. Econ 101 never works, just like Reaganomics never worked. The world is too complicated for simple theory. Too much of the extra money was not reinvested back into the American money pool. Econ 101 is what politicians use at rallies to convince gullable people that their plan is good. "OMG, just cut teh taxes and they'll spend their extra moneez on yoo, is so SIMPLE!" 4 more years.
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