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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. fitting the snows onto some steelies, I'd like to bump them out a bit, only 10mm or so. These are cheap If I can get them without worrying about a hub-boss-ring-thing.
  2. As hilarious as that is, I'm disappointing that he got two shots off before anyone noticed. Should have thrown his chair.
  3. http://jonesbigasstruckrentalandstorage.com/
  4. I think it looks hilarious... just sayin.
  5. bright, made for wicked moon shadows.
  6. They know they're fags and can be controlled. NASCAR is more popular and worse
  7. Forecast for me is partly cloudy. A coating of snow will only make things brighter.
  8. http://www.todaysbigthing.com/2008/12/10 what a great yelp.
  9. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/energy/3721841/Japan-harnesses-energy-from-footsteps.html If they can do that with tiny asians, imagine what our fat American asses can generate!
  10. http://www.dragtimes.com/images/14705-1989-Volvo-740.jpg
  11. I am The Man. There, I said it.
  12. I'm going to sell monogramed tinfoil hats (aluminum foil wont work!).
  13. My personal conspiracy theory is this: Gas always costs as much as it can. The rocket to $4 was an experiement, they backed off when it hit the magic number that actualy caused measurable trouble in our economy. Now with the credit crunch, they're being nice and lowering prices. Imagine what things would be like if gas was still $4/gallon...? No plucky elf or genderconfused child puppet could save Christmas in such an environment.
  14. Hey now, a horse with fucked up teeth can end up costing you more than it's worth.
  15. Is anyone else *slightly* worried about the rediculous drop in the last few months? I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, but it just doesn't seem right.
  16. SQUIRRELS PRACTICING MARTIAL ARTS! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2024371.ece
  17. They sent their smallest guy on purpose, my kinda crowd. ;lol:
  18. Bad spectator sport, you can't see shit after they pass.
  19. Yep! Recently, too. They attack Christian evangelicals, oddly enough.
  20. You're not looking. They don't get a hell of allot of support, and those that tend to side with us in militarily active areas tend to get their heads sawed off. Hezbolah does allot of humanitarian work, when they're not lobbing missiles at Israel. People on the ground noticed. It's that whole "hearts and minds" shit, they've been playing that game for years. And you didn't see them in old Christian Society, either. Fundamentalists are fundamentalists, and they oppress in pretty much the same way no matter who they worship. We're more free now than we were in 1908, by allot. You like freedom, right? HAHAHAHAHA! All of histories greatest achievements have been made in SPITE of religious intervention, not because of it! "Well how come non-Christians didn't invent blah blah..." How do we know they didn't? The greatest library that mankind had ever created was set on fire by Christian hordes. Countless works of mankind's greatest ancient minds were destroyed by the church because they were threatening. The library of Alexandria took a few blows throughout history, but it was only Christians and Muslims who deliberately destroyed its heathen works. So you've got that in common. Saudi's?
  21. ok, so you're saying the muslim terrorist acts will be equally forgettable? BTW, there have been christian motivate massacres and exterminations in the last century'ish. No, you're about 600 years off. Like a crusade or some such nonsense?
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