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RUTAN TA1647545492

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Everything posted by RUTAN TA1647545492

  1. Are you picking on me?I will be out in the spring,I cant believe im selling the top half on my engine and only have less than 20 miles on it. Oh well, time for bigger and better things
  2. Did you find a way to get a good 60ft. or swap an auto?
  3. I will talk with you soon,I may pick these up to put another LS1 together. I have many spare parts
  4. Brian, you could do 2 walbro in tank pumps but the problem is running a big shot will cause a lean spike due to fuel psi drop. If you want to spray alot use a stand alone fuel system,lets face it the $700 youl spend isnt much compared to what you have in the car.
  5. We all know my wife's no "newb", she has been around as long as me she has just choosen to be quiet.
  6. Where is the cheapest place to get a used/new window for the back passenger door on a 91 Blazer? thanks in advance John
  7. I am at NTB also,feel free to shoot me a pm or give me a call at the store 436-1303. I broke my phone again,so I will be a little dificult to reach.
  8. If no one else can get to it when your ready,send me a pm.
  9. I may be able to,call me Monday and ill contact some people.
  10. I would also consider this also http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=3661 its always nice to log fuel psi on a boosted car
  11. I suppose pin 56 could be used to pull timing for pump gas. hmmm and no problem Ill help as much as I can
  12. Im not sure the rails are a restriction,it is a wet kit and the rails only need to supply the injectors. +1 better gas
  13. maybe COS3-I think its more for boosted cars(boost ve tables) PM me when your ready to buy, if you havent already. I now a few people!Im not sure how much if any I can save you but the tech support is great!
  14. Opps,I guess I missed that one.
  15. I saw where their building a Sonic around Whitehall, is that the only one? Where are the others? any info?
  16. I always use the "kit" when I replace belts on customer cars. I always recommend replacing the waterpump on cars were the pump is driven by the timing belt and have higher mileage.
  17. He had his L32/L36/L67 all mixed up. damn gm V6's! BTW Chris can you get me a L32 casting # from the block?
  18. I would like to have a place to start doing some fab work again. I would like to bring my 69 Dart up from WV and build a new chassis and drop in a turbo LSx. I would like to take the barn and finish the inside and turn it into a place for our friends to hang(pool table/small stocked bar etc)
  19. Im not sure what the town is called, but we put a bid on it this morning. Its about 3 miless outside of plain city.
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