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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Dibs okayed. PM sent Most of the other stuff is being picked up today, I'll update tonight.
  2. I have the following for sale (Pics on Request) Cloth couch multi-color with oak trim - SOLD Beige lazyboy recliner - (Two popped button, otherwise okay) SOLD Corner Computer Desk (Sauder type from Sams) - SOLD SOLD with chair Full Size Mattress and Box Springs (very little use) - $40 My Goodness my Guinness Framed Pub Art - SOLD All items are located near Minerva Park, You Pick Up.
  3. Let me know, I think we're headed over on Friday. I can get for $24 at Kroger, which is the lowest I found. Pretty good savings from the $30 at the gate considering anyone can stop on the way to the park.
  4. Just checking to see if anyone has some tickets for the waterpark that they can't use or if someone can get a good deal on some. I need two adult tickets and 1 child's ticket. Looking to spend <$60 for the three.
  5. Microcenter, just over $100 for 500GB. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0265215
  6. Man, not again! I have another old one for ya, Sony Ericcson T610. It will need an adapter, but budget priced at $10.
  7. Yeah, I'm thinking that since the sender and the pump share the same ground that is where the problem lies. I am just not sure where along the path that the ground is being interupted. I'm going to have my friend shake the wiring while the jeep is running and see if he can get it to short.
  8. Just replaced a fuel pump in this vehicle and that seemed to work for a day or two, but now it won't start again. The symptom that is strange is that the gas gauge goes to full when the problem occurs. Is this something in the wiring causing the problem?
  9. John, Your girl doesn't need boys clothes! JK I am interested in the 3T and 4T stuff too, so put me next in line.
  10. Go to Sams Club, they have exactly what you are looking for, MTD with bagger and Honda motor. Or at least they did last spring when I was looking.
  11. Works fine, I just needed a print server. $10.
  12. for 02-08 TB. This is brand new, I put it on for a couple days and the water pump was bad, but I bought another one thinking it might be the clutch. I would like to get it out of the garage...$40
  13. reminds me one of those sex documentaries on HBO
  14. did you guys see check the camaroz28.com site? Some people described what you are experiencing, but cliff notes was that you might have to grind a little bit off the fork and it will fit better. Must be a machining issue that some of the forks had as opposed to others.
  15. http://www.camaroz28.com/forums/search.php?searchid=2332710 I don't know if you guys can link to it, but if you're members over at this site search for clutch fork bolt or something similar.
  16. Wait, did you take the fork off? It almost looks like it might be on backwards.
  17. Well its odd seeing it with just the bell housing on there, The TO bearing looks a bit different than some that I have seen, but it could just be the angle. I guess I am trying to figure out how you know if it is working right on the engine stand. Not saying that you can't tell, just not sure how you're testing it. Also, it does appear you need to push the fork on more, but I'm not sure since any time I have put one back together I push the fork back into place with the tranny already on. There is an adjustment on the fork itself to change the pivot amount. Don't know if you guys moved that or not, but might be something else to look at.
  18. You're sure the fork is completely on? The fork has to be slid up over the TO after you have everything back together. Did you have someone machine the flywheel and is it now too shallow?
  19. Interested. My wife has been bugging me about getting one.
  20. I have a used phone for sale. It comes with wall charger and car charger. Looking for $25 OBO. http://www.mobiledia.com/phones/samsung/sgh-e635.html
  21. I'm coming! I haven't decided whether to bring the old TA or the new one. It would be nice to get a baseline with the old one before I start changing stuff up on it.
  22. No exact setup would be if you use Sean's wheels and tires which are in my garage, LOL
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