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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Yes there is a federal law that requires dealers to replace emissions equipment if the vehicle has less than 80000 miles on it. I have had two dodge dakotas that had to have this done. Make them replace it, do not let them charge you a dime!
  2. That would be correct the methylene chloride is a very good plastic solvent and will kinda make the bumpers turn mushy. We used to have fun with it at work and toss plastic and styrene cups in it to watch them melt.
  3. That is quite a lot of memory you have there. If memory serves me correct my board will only support up to like 2GB. What brand/model is that mobo? Josh, what is the mobo that you are using too?
  4. What board do you have with it, and how much memory? I was thinking I would go with the 64 route. I know about the sites, I just wanted to know what others felt were good items currently so that I didn't have to spent hours researching it as that is what I do all day for chemistry
  5. Okay, I am interested in getting a new mobo, chip and ram to stick in my computer, but alas I spend too much time doing other stuff to keep up on all this stuff. Current system is 1900 Athlon with 393MB of DDR and the board is an FIC I think, but it has been some time since I bought all this stuff so I might be wrong.
  6. That is because there is not a lot of room to work in, it is pretty easy to break stuff, and many times the removal of the old manifolds takes a fair amount of patience. I put mine on in a day, so it is not the hardest job in the world by any means, it is just not a walk in the park. I don't think that anything under 5 hours is possible without a lift.
  7. Oh wait, one more thing that I forgot, Do you have a y-pipe of some sort because the O2 sensors on the pacesetters are right at the end, and the car will run like major crap if you don't have something to hookup behind them
  8. LT1 headers are a notorious BITCH! If I didn't have a sonoma that I was replacing the engine on at the moment I would help you out. If you can hang on for another week or so I could probably help you out as I have done this activity before. Do you have O2 extensions (not the crappy pacesetter ones), better header gaskets Felpro 1407 or 1462, the ones with the D ports (I cannot remember part number), better header bolts, new spark plugs, and MSD plug wires or some other high temp wires (for the love of GOD not Accel)? These are all pretty much important to have when doing headers. Get all these things, and then you will be set, LOL.
  9. Do you know which lifter it is? I guess I could just replace all of them while I was in there though for that price. I will check with Her and see if she is okay with that. Other than that does it run okay?
  10. If anyone has a 4 cylinder sitting around that they would like to sell PLEASE let me know as it is for a friend at work.
  11. nathan

    Messed up...

    If you have no food, it's one thing, but TVs, stereos, jewelry have all been the items du jour for most to be "removing" from stores.
  12. I thought that the example explained it on the letter that was sent out? Wasn't it based on every $1000 of home value that the percentage was going to change by X depending on wherever you live?
  13. Yeah, I guess I am partial to my own flames http://cofba.org/users/tuttle36/car1b.jpg
  14. buy a sacrifical nut and screw that on part way then smack that nut with a rubber mallet. It works better and only costs a few cents.
  15. basically to keep a long story short, with the LS(x) engines you're looking at rockers that are much easier to adjust than the LT1 or LT4. This means that you could probably do heads later and not waste a whole lot of time, but why? If you have the heads off get them ported or find some better heads!
  16. I agree with Desperado. It depends on what you are looking for as far as power range. The CC306 and the Thunder Racing cam are definitely the best if you have ported heads and such, but they may be a bit too much on stock heads. The cam that you choose should not be "lopey" idle by choice, unless all you care about is the sound. A good tune with the rpms raised up some will smooth out any idle. What you need to decide is where you want the power, and what other supporting mods you want to put into the car to achieve that goal. Joe and I both spray, but he has the CC306 and I have a smaller (CC305 clone) cam since I still have stock heads. If you have not done much I would not even reccomend a cam until you have CAI, headers, better exhaust, low temp thermostat, rockers and springs to support the cam, and maybe even an electric waterpump since all of those will allow you to get the most out of your cam.
  17. LT4 springs and 1.6 rr can be done for a couple hundred bucks. The adjustment of the lash is not much fun at all. What weight oil do you run? If you run a little higher weight oil that will pump up the lifter more and quiet it down, but that is not a fix just a patch. FWIW Most LT1 owners complain of some valve noise especially at startup.
  18. Sounds good to me, that Saturday wasn't going to work very well!
  19. I am just trying to make sure that you do not try and load a program with a cable that is not compatible. The datalogging may work but AKMcables.com stresses that if you try and load a program with it will ruin the PCM. I believe tunercats for OBDII is $450, at least it was when they sent me information on it after it was released. Your best bet is to send the PCM to madz28.com and buy his converted OBDI PCM. I guess I would like to know where you found that cable though, because as far as I knew only carputing.com and tunercats sold the correct cables with their software.
  20. His cable will not work if he still has the OBDII PCM. He has to have an OBDI PCM.
  21. I think you have a connector that is for an OBDI computer, but has the OBDII end, unless you put the money down on the LT1 edit cable (ouch).
  22. Just check the corral for Sean's car, buy it off of him since it is probably the most rare of all the LS1 f-bodies.
  23. Do you have a fuel pressure cutoff on the system? It kinda sounds like you are right at the edge of it and just are not getting quite enough fuel, but more description of whats going on would be helpful
  24. Generally about $40 to $50 for the kennel time per dog, and you will have to have their vet records to prove that they are up to date on the vaccinations. Call around is all I can say, most places are pretty booked up this time of year
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