I agree with Desperado. It depends on what you are looking for as far as power range. The CC306 and the Thunder Racing cam are definitely the best if you have ported heads and such, but they may be a bit too much on stock heads. The cam that you choose should not be "lopey" idle by choice, unless all you care about is the sound. A good tune with the rpms raised up some will smooth out any idle. What you need to decide is where you want the power, and what other supporting mods you want to put into the car to achieve that goal. Joe and I both spray, but he has the CC306 and I have a smaller (CC305 clone) cam since I still have stock heads. If you have not done much I would not even reccomend a cam until you have CAI, headers, better exhaust, low temp thermostat, rockers and springs to support the cam, and maybe even an electric waterpump since all of those will allow you to get the most out of your cam.