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Everything posted by pg

  1. Haha thats funny. I feel bad for people who live in palces like that. I liked the cart. I wish I had one.
  2. pg

    How does one....

    Haha. That is the best ever. I love how the guy left the car running and got on a bus!!!! This is just like the truck in Gahanna.
  3. Damn... that's amazing, if real.
  4. Because once their older they get fat and ugly and realize that they are huge whores and a disgrace to women. Just my opinion. Thats all.
  5. pg

    Da Cark

    Nice pics Marc bring it out sometime and give me a call!!
  6. pg

    check both ways

    Omg that's the worst vid that I've ever seen in my life. That's just aweful
  7. Haha that's hilarious. That's the best song ever!!!
  8. Haha thats crazy, I don't think that thing would be driveable/raceable it seems that it would just go out of control and crash. Lol
  9. I saw it last night. I thought it was hilarious even though I was really tired from driving home from Kentucky and I fell alseep in some parts. But overall very funny and would like to rent it to see the parts I missed.
  10. that is one of the best things that i have seen ever
  11. pg

    Crazy Fiat!!

    haha that was funny lmao
  12. pg

    Cornhole game

    it looks really hard to play i watched someone once and they never got it in the "cornhole" haha
  13. pg


    that sux man you will loose your license for a little while and your insurance is going to be skyhigh
  14. wow that sucks so bad graemlins/nonono.gif
  15. ricey most definitely ricey but it doesnt look as bad as other cars that have it done like integras and stuff... at least i dont think so
  16. wait are you talking about a cts or a cts-v because theyre way different my boyfriends dad has a cts-v and it is so fast and has so much torque it slams your head into the headrest its so pimp
  17. haha thats hilarious i could see that happening too is whats sad about it people are way to quick to try to find ways to get money cheap
  18. that sucks for all those people that guys so fucked he deserves it thats so messed up
  19. +1 for but also with chief on didnt work
  20. i know a guy who works for cadillac who has a shop in his bacyard as a side job and he would most likely fix it for you he doesnt charge much i had to get my integra fixed and a shop told me it would be 1600 to fix and he charged me 800 hes good too i mean he works for cadillac you can call me if you want his number my number is 614 323 6967 ask for ryan
  21. wow thats a big surprise
  22. pg


    it seems as though protech sees the sweetest cars around and all the time too i wish i was him
  23. that guy is such an asshole who would run over a little boy like that faggot
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