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Everything posted by pg

  1. I really like it. Matt, if you're in town give us a call you know and I'll give anyone a ride if they want. Drew and I should be out this friday. You should come out Keith, I owe you a ride. My mouse isn't working so I'm having a really hard time on this site. It's great(Sarcastically said). My car is at Nelson right now and they don't know why the light is on. They said something about the turbo, but I don't remember because I didn't understand it.
  2. Vodka, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice is the best.
  3. It's a PCM, but I can tell a big difference in the car from when it was stock and now. It sounds better too.
  4. Yay! After what seemed like forever I finally got my stage one on and it is awesome, other than the occasional spedometer not working, at all, and the engine light on. It is the shit. Big thanks to CLARK, Brandon, Mark and Drew for helping me, but mostly Clark, no offense guys, but he did all of it. Now I just have to save up for Stage 2, what do you guys think? Up for another helping me out/ doing all of it for me? It seems so much faster now! Yay I'm so excited!! -Ryan
  5. Wow what an aweful place to stay!!! I hope you get your money back. +1 on sending that to newsstations
  6. Haha that was great. I'm laughing so hard right now.
  7. pg

    College Life

    No, I have Dr. Hinton, I like him hes really nice and helpful.
  8. Hey now guys ease off the Neon. I like mine and no one calls me a lesbian when I'm driving it.
  9. pg

    Cedar Point, anyone.

    I wanna go too!!! Maybe two people? Add me in.
  10. pg

    College Life

    We don't have TA's [/QB] Yes we do. I go to Otterbein and I have two TA's in my chem lab. I love it at Otterbein, I have AC in my dorm and a sweet room mate and I have the phone numbers to all of my teachers, their home phones and my calculus teacher said you could call his house at any time of the day even at midnight. Haha. Otterbein is the shit!!
  11. haha. Laughing out loud, had to shut the door of my dorm. Hehe. Funny shit. graemlins/lol.gif
  12. Wow. I think that just straight up blows. Did anyone else read the bottom where it said if they get subpoenaed for info from the po then they will give them the info!!!! Uhh weren't they just saying that it would not be used for anything negative. Hmmm... pretty sure that's a big negative.
  13. Haha. That is the greatest thing ever!!! Now I need to go to my mom's house and get my sims game to play in my dorm. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  14. Wow!! That's neat. I haven't heard of many civics that are that fast and have that much power, other than from people who are lying, so thats pretty sweet. He has so many mods... I wish I had that much money.
  15. Haha thats funny. I've never heard of doing that before. Did they do that on purpose?
  16. Not always true, I work in the Barnes and Noble Cafe and bust my ass to be the best worker there, I know how to do everything there except for manager stuff because they wont teach you that and the only thing managers say to you is the things that you should be doing or how it's your fault if a new person messes up, it makes me so angry. I need a better job!!
  17. sophmore in h.s. in spanish, didn't get to watch tv until two classes later because my dumbass teacher didn't want to skip class to watch tv.
  18. i would like to come, have to work until ten fifteen don't know how late you guys are doing this. Marc give me a call.
  19. Hehe. That would be funny, someone should get that done. Does anyone know a good place to get tattoos done? I have a picture that I want into a tattoo, but if it can't look like the real picture than I don't really want it, so does anyone kow of a place that could do that I suppose is the real question?
  20. Hehe. That's funny, but... how did you come across this video?
  21. I have a little hand held steam cleaner thingy. It's really cool and it works great on car upholstry(sp?) and puke stains. Oh and if you want it PM me.
  22. pg

    funny site...

    Umm... I'm confused
  23. Wow. That is sooo sad that people let themselves go like that. I don't understand why the guy is getting charged with neglect, she was a forty year old woman, isn't it her fault she weighed that much?
  24. Looks like fun, I'm going. They have one of these at the Knox county fair. It is sooo much fun to watch the truck go around. Hehe. It's funny.
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