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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    Layout Question

    Ok, so you know when you are reading a thread and for some reason its really long and doesn't fit on the whole page? Is there any way to fix this so that you don't have to use the scroll thingy to move the page back and forth? So the entire thread width fits on the screen? Any response would be good because I hate this and am really retarded with computers, I mean I can't even get AIM to work. Help!
  2. Those are the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen. Just reading about them makes me want to vomit. Sick! graemlins/puke.gif I;m pretty sure you can buy them at meijer, I've seen all the other ones there.
  3. Uhh... Does this mean that they would be able to tell if you were racing/driving like a maniac? Are they easy to take out?
  4. Nah... I prefer laziness and I don't like sitting in my car after I'm ready to get out of it. I'm watching Training Day. I knew everyone wanted to know this. It's a good movie.
  5. Yeah i think thats what Brandon was trying to say. Thanks, but Clark "The Shit" found me one.
  6. Clark is the shit and no one can take that away from him. I've dubbed him "The Shit" from now on.
  7. i dont like waiting. i get really bored. yeah you shoudl give him a call with your broken cell phone.
  8. Umm... you want to explain what you mean by this?
  9. I can't do that the bill goes to DAD! and then I would get in trouble but I would probably get in bigger trouble from my mom. Don't you remember when I got kicked out of my house for stage 1?
  10. Anyone know of good turbo timers that aren't really expensive? By expensive I mean like 160 and up.
  11. pg

    Halo 2

    hell yeah I pre-ordered mine, well Drew's xmas present last night at like 8pm then got it at 12 and oh yeah the best game ever!!!
  12. Wow mines never had a problem. I feel special.
  13. Oh, wow. That puts a damper on ones day. Just thinking about those poor cars that met their untimely death. graemlins/cry.gif
  14. Oh wow... that's crazy, I wonder why they were standing in the middle of the road. I felt so bad when I hit a racoon. Poor ducks.
  15. Hmmm... wasn't thinking about seeing it, but now I guess I'll have to. Now I'm just waiting for it to come to the dollar theater. Being poor sucks.
  16. WTF! How could some one hit a kid? That's just fucked up, even hitting another person out of rage is fucked up if they don't deserve it, and it sounds like she didn't at all, trying to save this little girl, she needs to get away from that entire fmily and fast.
  17. Ask B Dubs he is the math genius he helps me with my calculus. But uh I don't know where you got some of your answers so I would ask Brandon he should know. smile.gif
  18. Haha.. that's hilarious. You really had me going I was like holy shit I feel really bad for this guy. Damn you. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  19. pg


    Poor Marc. Whats the poll at though? 84%?
  20. pg


    Yeah the lines were crazy this morning and people were driving real crazy in the parking lots too. I almost got hit twice! Luckily I had a good precinct with just a small line. Sorry Drew but your precinct was crazy this morning, I saw your sister there and I was done voting before she was even half way through your line.
  21. They also shut their dooe in our faces when my mom and I went up to their house later that evening to confront them about it. What assholes, I grabbed a bunch of pellets out of their driveway just in case. I'm so pissed off about that too. What logic does it make to shoot pellets guns during Trick-or-Treat night to get some people to slow down. First off if someone shot at me I wouldn't slow down I would get my car out of their then call the cops and secondly hello little kids running around in dark halloween costumes? Logic? Hmmm... Oh thats right there is none. WTF!!!!!!!!
  22. I know you want to go see it with me. Haha. graemlins/bsflag.gif
  23. Where did this rioting go on at? I heard Sat night at OU wasnt as sweet as it was last year. Is that the deal? Thats what I heard at least.
  24. Ahhh... I don't know what I'm going to be and I'm going up there tommorrow any ideas for a girl, which would be me? Other than dirty ones you sickos.
  25. Yeah I'm up for that Gas, Grass, or Ass should be fun. Clark you're hilarious. I just got my car back today. It cost me two hundred dollars for twist-ties to hold my PCM on. Clark, I think we broke the hooby-do that holds on the PCM. Opps. So that was why the spedo was acting up.
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