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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg


    Wait a second, your girlfriend beat you up? If so beat her up back, she hit first or don't do anything and just try to stay away from her, she sounds like a psycho.
  2. Village Academy (kindergarden-2) Olentangy Wyandot Run Elem(2-3) Calistoga Elem, CA 4th grade Olentangy the rest of the way Otterbein College now
  3. Haha. Thats great, I got a good kick out of that one. Hahaha. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  4. Hahaha. graemlins/thatfunny.gif I love guns!!! I want to be a doctor. Hmm... I'll be killing lots of people! Haha. Are those real Dave?
  5. That sucks, I don't mess with construction zones. I'm going to be on the lookout now. Damn.
  6. Oh, I see theres an airplane involved. I was unaware of that. I get it now pretty good idea if you think about it. I've seen those cops doing that on 23 but they didn't get me. I wouldn't want to be the cop that walks out onto the road that would be terrifying.
  7. Sounds like fun, I think Drew's dad and him went last year, I want to go this year, heard it was fun.
  8. pg

    Viva La Bam > *

    What is Viva La Bam? I've never heard of this before, maybe its contributed to the fact that I don't have cable. Damn I want cable.
  9. Hmm.. and why do better radar detectors make speeders speed more? graemlins/gay.gif
  10. Thats an interesting way to clock people, does anyone know more of how it works?
  11. pg

    road rage cards

    Best cards EVER!! I need to get some of those.
  12. I don't know but I do know that they are the shit. Drew's(Harris92) dad has one and it is so awesome. Lets talk about torque. It is so great and fabulous and it has satellite radio and a dvd player in it. The Shit.
  13. pg

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Yay! Turkey Day, everyone have a good one!
  14. I hate Friday!! I have to work in the cafe at Barnes and Noble and everyone is an asshole! I have to be there at 7 in the morning. Someone please injure me so I don't have to go.
  15. Haha. Thats hilarious! I wonder if she realized what she was doing when she did that, or if she really thought that that was a good idea. Haha either way.
  16. I found what its called on a CSI: Miami web site that I found, its called a flash mob.
  17. Oh I've heard of thise before, it was on an episode of CSI, oh its on the tip of my tongue. Damn it.
  18. I'm having trouble deciding whether the band was mentally retarded also?
  19. pg

    freaky web site

    Well how do you figure it out then?
  20. Theres a really fancy type massage/day spa thing in Polaris Mall, they have tons of different massages and mud bath things that you can get done. Its really nice inside and fancy.
  21. too [/qb] Much prettier and much, much skinnier than her.[/QB] Wow... thats sounds really conceded.
  22. I think they do it because its in magazines and is supposed to be the big trend, but I would never put them on my feet because they are so friggin ugly. I hate them and I laugh when I see other girls wearing them. It's one of those things that when they look back at pictures later they think what was I wearing?
  23. Haha all this makes me laugh someone please post more! graemlins/lol.gif
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