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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg


    I'm going to go cry now.
  2. Damn. That must be sooo painful, it hurts to look at it.
  3. wow guys. Hmmm... I like my girls with average size, C, firm tittys with a nice ass. Oh, I also like them to be stupid that way I can run all over them and they still come back for more. Hehe. I'm just joking.
  4. I like the cark, Marc. Kinda rhymes. Hehe. Oh and that Dodge thing is funny. Even though I own a Dodge. But it's ok because I'm a girl and I don't want to look macho. Hehe.
  5. pg

    Hey SRT-4 Guys

    Sounds good. The sprayer helps the car to be a little bit faster, it sprays cold water on the intercooler.
  6. Hehe. Seen those before, but the one I saw was acctually terrifying. My Spanish teacher showed it to the whole class and everyone freaked. It was funny.
  7. pg

    Hey SRT-4 Guys

    Yeah I'll give you a ride just come up and ask, I suppose, because I don't know who you are. Yeah, if only it was 1500. I have the money, thats not really the problem, its the cost to get all of it on. Dealers are expensive. I really want the intercooler sprayer, I think that is really neat.
  8. pg

    holly crap

    Hehe. So I haven't seen you in a while, how is the ass kissing face? Haha. I'm just joking with ya.
  9. pg


    graemlins/popcorn.gif Hehe I love the kitchen.
  10. pg

    passed out site NWS

    Haha, some of those are disgusting. Still very funny though. Haha.
  11. pg

    holly crap

    That's because he didn't like your ass kissing face Brad. And you're a minor. That sucks though. At least you got privleges, see you at work. Heehee.
  12. pg

    Hey SRT-4 Guys

    Hehe. I'm getting on my stage one parts on the 4th. I'll give you a call and maybe I'll see you the next friday after I get it on at Geeros.
  13. pg

    Hey SRT-4 Guys

    Hey! My dealer, Nelson, just fixed my oil leak for me. Daimler has a fix now, takes an hour so they say. I waited there for about 3 hours but oh well, it's fixed. And its not a catchcan eigther.
  14. pg

    raging fred

    Hehe. Thats funny. How do they get the faces to look like they are saying that? That must take a long time to do. Hehe.
  15. why does that look green?
  16. pg

    Yellow Plates

    Thats funny that they have road rage tags. Hehe. You only get the drunk tags if the court says you should.
  17. pg

    $500 Mixed Drink

    Hour = problems? No. Wife seems to appreciate it. [/QB] +1 I'm not seeing how an hour is a problem. Maybe if you don't like having sex, but I don't see how that is possible.
  18. Is that true, that they wouldn't let them go over 35? Wow... that sucks and why would they do that?
  19. Brian Regan is hilarious!! Hahaha. I also like Dave Chapelle, when I get to watch the show. Hehe I love them all!!!!!!
  20. Sounds like fun. Thanks for the info.
  21. pg

    Scion Tc

    I saw an xA, I think it was an xA, at the blockbuster on 23 by polaris. It was blue. And had graphics on the side that said Scion.
  22. Wow... that's all I have to say.
  23. Here's a good trick guys... find a girl that likes cars!!! Amazing problem fixed.
  24. Damn that was so awesome!!!
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