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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg


    Yeah, you're really what I would consider old.
  2. pg


    Oh I see, haha thats hilarious, I haven't seen that movie in forever.
  3. Thats funny, she looks like a freak! Haha.
  4. pg


    Evil Dave, Evil Dave, what is that thing in your avatar?
  5. Oh I see, sometimes I'm a little slow on the internet talking and understanding of the point, so just for clarification I ask. Haha. Sometimes I feel stupid.
  6. pg

    Ramblings of the Ferret.

    This is humorous, even I think its funny and I'm a girl so everyone read it!!!!
  7. pg


    Haha, Dave you're great fun.
  8. What does it tell you Anthony, I don't understand? Adam you are just gay and you're just upset that Anthony OWNED you. Hahaha thats me laughing at you.
  9. Propane is really expensive... I know the Andersons can exchange them and I didn't think it was as expensive as what you were talking about.
  10. pg


    Hahaha, I don't know it may be for that reason, maybe he really hates you haha. Oh, and punctuation, do you know what that is?
  11. He is so cute too! A lot of people that have horses at the barn where mine is have jack russels but they are all white and brown, not black, I like the black better, a lot. Really cute.
  12. pg


    No dave was never a newb. Haha.
  13. pg


    No dave was never a newb. Haha.
  14. I love big dogs over little dogs, little dogs are yappy and I hate that. I really want to get a mastiff and a komondor and of course a basset hound, they are my favorite.
  15. pg


    Dave getting mean on the Newb's calm yourself man. On a separate note, Neon Killer huh? You wanna race my neon?
  16. pg


    Dave getting mean on the Newb's calm yourself man. On a separate note, Neon Killer huh? You wanna race my neon?
  17. pg


    Well he was there.
  18. Oh I know I would never buy one from a pet store but I want to save it from its torture. I'm going to go to a rescue to get mine.
  19. pg


    Rick you fuck head, I'm calling you out, I know it was you.
  20. Looking at it makes me want to go buy a basset hound puppy that I saw in the pet store, Marc time to go to the pet store with me, you need another dog.
  21. pg


    Yeah, who was it!? That wasn't the number that I got, it was 8311.
  22. Hahahahahahaha. graemlins/thatfunny.gif I think thats the funniest thing I've ever seen.
  23. Oh my god, that is one of the cutest puppies I have ever seen! Whats her name and if you ever go out of town I will take care of her.
  24. pg

    The OC...

    Well you haven't left your name logged on yet have you?
  25. pg


    I thought it was funny. I knew it was someone on here, you bastards, especially Marc. Who was doing it, I thought it was Tate or Zak. I also asked them if they were giong to set the building on fire and they didn't reply, I was thinking god have you never seen the movie, if you don't know that part you've obviously not watched it enough.
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