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Everything posted by pg

  1. Hahahahahahahaha. This is true Adam. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  2. pg

    Locks of Love...

    I don't think I could ever get ten inches of my hair cut off, thats the smallest amount that they will take right?
  3. pg

    Gas question

    I don't think he's trying to turn anything into a holy war, I think you're the one whos getting uptight. graemlins/chillpill.gif Anyway it's just gas.
  4. pg

    Gas question

    Ok, thanks for all this info, I didn't know that what kind of gas you used was really that important, I'll just stick to the major companies then.
  5. pg

    Gas question

    So you're saying that you don't think BP is bad? I think I'm going to stick to Shell, there are a lot of them around here and I've never heard anything bad about them. Thanks for the info. smile.gif
  6. You should go to The Anderson's General Store by Sawmill, they have a great wine selection and they are very knowledgable about their wine, and they have a ton, you could also ask them about wine tastings too as they do those and often have the wine maker people come and tell about their wines. I like cabernets the best, they are a red wine, dry and very good. My favorite cab is Robert Pecota Kara's Cabernet, but I'm partial to that because I used to live on that winery with my mom and Robert Pecota in CA, but it is very good and they have it at the Andersons, I think.
  7. I would have had my parents never get divorced and be happy together or buy stock in some major company that made a lot.
  8. Thats funny because my teacher in Chemistry wrote lose today and I couldn't remember if it was lose or loose. Haha. Kinda strange that you posted that.
  9. pg

    Gas question

    Thanks for the answer. I've always heard not to use BP gas, that its watered down, but is that really it, or is there something else. Is Speedway bad too?
  10. I don't understand how this would make sense, I'm sure it would be the guy talking about his "mistress" that made the word what it is, not the woman calling herself a mistress. graemlins/slap.gif
  11. Rain is the suck, and now its so cold out. I shiver for 15 minutes when I get back from walking to class.
  12. Good idea I was really getting sick of all the "welcome me" posts, like every single day 5 would pop up.
  13. They don't have a word for them because women don't do things like that as often as men do. Women are just better I suppose.
  14. pg

    The OC...

    God Damn it Drew, stop logging into your name at my house and then not logging off!! That was me posting in the above post. Damn him.
  15. pg

    I heard...

    Cheshire road is closed too, at the big bridge thingy hoo.
  16. Really I wouldn't if I were you. Unless you like fupas.
  17. pg

    Tetanus Shot

    graemlins/thatfunny.gif Laughing out loud literally.
  18. pg

    5000 posts

    I think you're insane, and I also think that that game will result in a lot of my carpet having puke on them.
  19. They are being punished accordingly, they beat some one up because he worshipped Satan and they didn't agree with him, hence the hate crime, I think the punishment fits the crime just well.
  20. I agree, if those boys were not punished with a hate crime but others like a Satan worshipper who beat up a Christian was then where would we be. We would be even more hypocritical than we already are.
  21. summarize? I'm too lazy to read that.
  22. pg

    5000 posts

    Umm... how about no jello, no wrestling and no taping.
  23. pg

    5000 posts

    I'm not so sure about that. But I like jello with alcohol in them, whos up for jello shots this week?
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