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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    Snow plow man stuck

    I'm trying to get my car out now I have to roof shingles under the tires but I can't get them far enough under so its not helping but Marcs coming over and I think Clark is so it will get out today. I'm so excited for it to be unstuck I'm going to blow dry to ice off of her.
  2. Mine was plowed but it didn't really help since the plow just skimmed over all the ice and shit, theres a huge snow pile right in the middle of the street its going to suck when I get my car out of the driveway.
  3. Happy Holidays to all, I'll be in Florida tomorrow in the warm. Happy Holidays!
  4. Damn... thats not a bad sentence considering, although 200 hours of community service that sucks. I had 20 hours and it sucked real bad I got to choose what I did so I cleaned stalls at my barn for 3 days it sucked so bad. Cleaning horse shit is hard work I was barely able to move my arms after. He won't get all that community service done for a long time.
  5. pg

    Snow plow man stuck

    Oh No, I have to dig it out tomorrow, didn't you read what I said the first time? graemlins/slap.gif
  6. pg

    Snow plow man stuck

    Yeah he just got out, that only took forever, I was just about to go out there and see if he wanted to try to roof shingles, it may have worked.
  7. Wow, Beavercreek always gets lots of snow, my grandparents live there and they always talk about how much snow there is.
  8. So I just got home from a friends and the snow plow man is plowing my driveway. This is exciting because I can finally put my car in the garage because its been stuck. So I get out of the car and the guy is stuck, this is hilarious to me being in my current state and the irony. The plow truck man is stuck in my driveway and has been for twenty minutes and cannot get out, meanwhile my car is still stuck in the driveway and I'm going to dig it out tomorrow. What should I do to help him I have no salt or kitty litter to put under his tires. The only thing I was thinking would help is these shingles for our roof, do any of you think this would work?
  9. I wish I had a Bobcat too so I could get my car out of the driveway, I guess the plow people are coming tonight at 7 so I have to wait for them to help me get it out.
  10. Yes, some two year olds can walk. Thats such bullshit, its shit like this that is wrong with America. I would love to be the judge for that case I would laugh in the guys face for trying to pull that bullshit then tell him to go grieve for his daughter that he killed instead of trying to win some money over it. It's so sad how selfish people are these days.
  11. Haha, I love it. T-WRX you should be more sympathetic to other people's losses.
  12. Haha... thats funny, I'm not usre though that I should be laughing because I'm a girl and thats kinda not right. Oh well haha anyways its funny.
  13. Yeah it sucks, I was supposed to be flying to Florida today but our flight was canceled and now I'm sitting on the phone trying to figure out when the next time I can fly will be.
  14. My friend's family takes in hurt wild animals, they used to have a flight cage in their backyard, they had three hawks in there and they would get baby deer in during the spring and we would feed them a long time ago, it was sweet. They still have a barn owl that got one wing cut off that lives in their house with them, they are one of the softest birds I've ever felt.
  15. Nice present. graemlins/thumb.gif I got myself stage 2.
  16. [/qb] I tell you what. Why don't you use your "country" Dublin logic and tell me how 4WD is supposed to help you on ice? Friggen moron.[/QB] Owned. My mom went to work today in her ford taurus station wagon. Meanwhile my car is still stuck at the bottom of my driveway from trying to park it last night. graemlins/lol.gif
  17. pg


    My sheepdog likes to eat the snow rather than play in it.
  18. Hell yeah I would do that! Shut up Brad I know you're dirty little secret.
  19. Hahaha. You're funny. So when are you going to let me shoot the ten gauge?
  20. Hey Dave, how bout another song you're listening to... pleeease?
  21. I agree with being 5 > being an adult. But no one took into account the fact that Santa and his reindeer are magical, which makes every thing in the first post entirely false because the magic is what takes care of all of that stuff. So there Santa does exist.
  22. Yeah Matt good chioce, nice to see you post sometimes.
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