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Everything posted by Kohones

  1. Isn't it nice how our dickless tracy's protect & serve? Hiding in driveways to pull over those speeders! Like Dublin patrolling there section of 270? I mean there's tooo much hwy for 270 to be patrolled by only the state police, columbus, & franklin cnty. We're so blessed aren't we? Sorry for the sarcasm, its just crazy - thx for heads up -
  2. When your record is 15 - 1 which includes crushing Philly & New England in regular season / you can show off with your Steeler stuff ANYWAY YOU WISH. I anticipate NY getting caught in Steelers "jetwash" Saturday & best of all - I'm going to AFC Championship assuming it will be at Heinz Field!!! Thats where the real Superbowl will be played (I think). GO STEELERS, GO BABY!!
  3. Now this is one GREAT Automobile! If I had $75k I'd order one. (Perhaps Mad Malibu & Rarest Truck on CR) will buy it for me? Fathers Day only mo's away, they could order it today! I plan on going to Detroit auto show just to see this "defanger". Nice very nice - smile.gif
  4. Very nice! Who you kidding that you aren't going to mod? You're part of CR, hell most everyone mods their machine to some point??? heh heh
  5. Kohones


    Here's my two cents = Steelers will play the scruggs against Buffalo, letting the 1st stringers get healthy, doesn't matter what happens this Sunday as Steelers have nothing to gain. * Steelers real challenges will be AFC play-offs, they've never played against Manning or Brees & of course these two quarterbacks have NEVER been to Heinz field, so it will be interesting / * Prediction!! Should Steelers defeat whomever they face in playoffs / then go to the big one in Jacksonville / THEY WILL WIN Why? because whether its Philly, Atlanta, whomever / if black n' gold are playing there A game = it's over baby! "Here we go Steelers here we go" I've been waiting & watching since 1979 - it's time again
  6. Cark Dude - that "small noise" in the motor though says you shouldn't be talkin sh-- cause you need to replace that fire breathin engine?
  7. Not all dealerships operate the same GUYS!!!!! Car sales are good by the way, I work for a dealership! It's true rates are lower for a new purchase rather than used & if you're going used you want something no older than 5 yrs because lenders don't want to finance old merchandise thats waaay depreciated & mileage needs to be below 85,000 Suggestions = with limited credit you can also have a different bonafide cmkr, doesn't have to Dad there's also college grad programs out there too Just some FYI comments for you ---
  8. Having been in the auto finance b/z for 30 yrs! Here's some factual answers to your questions = * Leasing is cool IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR!!!! PERIOD * Lease must be closed end type, ergo end of lease termination ie residual value is lenders responsibility not yours * Yeah you can do a lease for annual mileages that range from 12,000 a year to 20,000 a year. The catch is that you MUST pick your annual mileage at inception of your deal * mileages OVER the annual one you chose you'll typically pay .15 for EACH mile over / thats where consumers "get nicked" Leasing is NOT for everyone, but it does work for some --- Hope that helps. If you have any addl questions, don't hesitate to p.m. me. I work at Nissan North & would be glad to help you -
  9. I'm sorry - it is UGLY! Maybe as this is the holiday season - could this be the "Grinches Daily Driver"?
  10. I luv my 02 Z06, and I luv this one thats coming! I'm betting that car can be bought for $60k ----
  11. Marc is correct - those Infiniti's are nice & hold good re-sale value. I like all of your choices & don't think any of them would be a bad buy. Since I work at Nissan North I also have to say = you should check out the Maxima's. Strong torkie V-6 putting out 260 hp ----
  12. Though I don't like Yellow / this car will look COOL in any COLOR!
  13. Couple things to remember - 1) Terry Bradshaw & co didn't win every game by a landslide either 2) When you're the #1 seed as Pgh is - EVERYONE EVERY TEAM gets up to play you 3) Jacksonville needed to win as that would've launched them up the playoff pole 4) a win is a win BABY Steelers Rule & I luv it! smile.gif
  14. Kohones

    06' Z06

    Doesn't matter to me if she's got magnesium, titanium, steel, or plutonium ---- I plan on going to Detroit Auto Show & see her for myself!
  15. My son's are gay? Hey hey they're all I've got! Now thats a sobering thought isn't it?
  16. Folks - please accept my apology here!!! I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying the GTO looked like the Gr Prix, I'm sorry. I just (my opinion only) believe that Pontiac could easily have given GTO owners A hell of alot more for the $$$$$ than what they've produced so far. Though it's nothing more than my own personal opinion, I NEVER mean't to tork anyone on this board off ---
  17. Jason my friend / welcome aboard!!!!! smile.gif
  18. I've been a GM guy forever, however I remain disappointed in the GTO. I think Pontiac really let folks down with this car (current sales show thats true). They want the public to pay big bucks yet they give you a plastic exterior with uncomfortable seats, the outside looks like a gran prix? And you can buy one for a mear what $35k? My two cents anyway. (Yeah I like that 37 yr old one ALOT)! smile.gif
  19. Kohones


    Marc you were NOT BORN in McKeesport, Pa. You came into this world in Oakland, Pa. a suburb of Pgh, hospital was McKee Hospital. (All for the record of course). Steelers rule & thats a fact! Soon they'll be 9 - 1
  20. Clarett has done a great job of ruining his future. He's a has been, has loads of baggage, & yeah now wants attention / screw him, we shouldn't waste our own time on this board giving such shallow trash any of our time either - redface.gif
  21. Kohones


    Heh heh, I'm from Pgh, moved here in 1987. I followed the Steelers in the 60's, when it was a ten game season & they'd end up 1 & 9!!! I certainly watched & attended games when they dominated the 70's. This year I was at ketchup field to watch them beat Oakland, & YEP I was 20 rows up Sunday!! I watched McNabb pick himself up off the field with pgh dirt & grass in his facemask!!! We didn't beat the eagles, WE TORCHED THEM! With free agency, salary caps etc, D Rooney continues to abide by the NFL rules, sooo here they are 7 & 1. There remaining schedule isn't all that tough either. My senses say = end of season, record 13 & 3. If they get home field advantage, oh BABY bring the Patriots, or Colts, whoever, cause it's on. And the Steelers can do something else now?? SCORE!!! Get rid of Ben next year? Ain't happening as Rooney & Cowher know what they've got. They really are the real deal!!!!
  22. I've always believed that men that hit women do it because they haven't the guts to hit a man! I'd like to meet this clown & see how he LIKES getting punched. Hope you're friend is ok - she definately needs to stay away from him & find a real person --
  23. Brandon - I'll take you for a ride whenever you wish (barring good weather)
  24. Wanted to share, I'm a member with local corvette club. Last Sunday we drove (4 vettes) south to Marietta. Oh. We looked at covered bridges (that weren't washed out) by last mo's floods, ate, & drove FAST on rt 26 / a windy, hilly, no police piece of road. I had a blast all day running thru 25 mph turns at 55 mph, just dropping to third, givin her fuel & ridin thru the turn. Saw flock of a doz wild turkeys & some deer. Just a great day enjoyin the car! I'd recommend this to everyone -
  25. Though I'm not a "stang guy" / the ride is SHARP!
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