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cptn janks

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Everything posted by cptn janks

  1. just an update on this http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081014/NEWS01/810140306&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL
  2. yeah lager is the shit. black and tan is good too.
  3. id be down to bring the bike out. hopefully i can break 30 hp
  4. yes, please post. ive had work done by rolla in the past, as have many members on here, and i had no problems. good work done at a good price. cant ask for much more than that.
  5. its illegal and dangerous to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. honestly, chill the fuck out. you will get by the bicycle. boo fucking hoo you had to slow down for 2 minutes... get real
  6. also, im not positive if this is the right forum to post in... i figured it was somewhat automotive related since cars go in the garage lol. if its the wrong area, mods do your thing
  7. there is a garage in my apartment building that is up for rent. its a 1 car garage. not sure of the exact dimensions, but id bet its pretty close to 13 x 25. there is a door opener, as well as a side door to get into it. they told me they are thinking around 100 dollars a month to rent it out. for security, there are motion sensor lights in the back, locks on the doors and then the fact that my apartment is above the garage, and i have armed myself. to the teeth. being that i live above the garage, you probably wouldnt have to worry much about doing work in there if you wanted to. i mean i dont want you running an air compressor and impact wrench at 4 am every night of the week, and im sure the neighbors dont either... but im a pretty laid back guy. no meth labs and no BMW part outs. ive lived in this building for three years, and the worst thing that happened was someone stole some shit out of my car after i left it unlocked it is located here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ebner+at+kossuth+43206&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.901528,56.601563&ie=UTF8&ll=39.946414,-82.984414&spn=0.008011,0.021973&z=16 here is a pic of my garage, to give you an idea of what its like. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s72/harperlou/IMG_0446.jpg?t=1223502436 post back or PM me and i can put you in touch with the owner.
  8. im torn on these things. i fucking hate red light runners, but at the same time these cameras are an obvious money grab. although i guess its kind of a toss up... t bone accidents go down at camera equipped intersecitons, but rear endings go way up. i just wish that they would put those dont walk signs that have a countdown on them, so you know how long youve got before it changes.
  9. http://www.geargeek.net/images/moar-cat.jpg
  10. this is an issue pushed hard by the current administration simply to keep your mind off iraq. but now everyone is concerened about the economy, so they dont have to push it so hard anymore, and it gets put to the back burner.
  11. flat track > * http://photos.motorcycle-usa.com/dirttrack.jpg
  12. man wayne sucks lol. im so sick of his shit. he may have a few hot beats, but thast about it... i think as a lyricist he sucks ass. the best lyricists IMO: pac big nas jay em i think story raps will be making a comeback here soon... no one really says anything anymore... most of the popular shit now is about bitches, bling and tearin the club up... not that there is anythign wrong with tearin the club up...
  13. http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j182/swiftian/irony/irony2.jpg
  14. know what id do with 700 billion dollars? two chicks at the same time http://i37.tinypic.com/15gsdps.jpg
  15. oh please. they dont like her speech? build a fucking bridge and get over it.
  16. im not even asian and i can see that 85b divided by 200k = 425 not 425,000
  17. say nothing of the common courtesy to not blatantly lie...
  18. ‬‬‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‬‬‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉i dont know but if you figure it out let me know, because its really starting to bother me.
  19. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/eveningnews/main4476173.shtml all aboard the straight talk express http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbg6hF0nShQ
  20. hey kenny, do you have a link for the dumb bitch's original article?
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