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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I was at Target at Mill Run last night around 9pm and they had an entire isle full of different kinds of sleds.
  2. Good luck.... It's not as easy as everyone thinks.....
  3. I think so....... They go in just after the muffler bearings, right? Getting kind of :offtopic:
  4. I'd go a little higher with the cash but not too much more..... Oh well it was worth a shot. I always liked your SHO then Derek's. How bout even up for my 89 GT Convertible? ok I'll stop now... What are you lowballing on? J/K... What are looking at?
  5. I know nothing about these cars.....
  6. Is it a 5 speed or automatic?
  7. Where you located? Is the car drivable with just a battery? Are ECUs easy to some by?
  8. trade you a Super Coupe and a grand cash for it.
  9. Scott, Will those 'Cobra' valve covers fit on my 89 GT or are they to short? Also got pics of the Mach 1 rims?
  10. Matt, make me a package price for the paintings, and the kicker subs.
  11. Scott, Vic over at TCCoA.com wants to talk to you about the header panel. His email is 88blackbird5.0@gmail.com Hope it works out for ya
  12. Can't he just take the gun in and talk to the gunsmith about it? I would assume if he wanted Gander Mountain to fix the gun it would take a little while to get back.
  13. I would get the guy at Gander Mountian's opinion on what to do. It could be something simple that you just don't know to look for. He might also be able to tell you if Taurus would warranty it or not. Doubtful but worth a shot
  14. If you sell the car and not all the parts, LMK. I would be interested in the 3.55 center section and a few other parts that would be compatible with my Super Coupe.
  15. Sheriff Joe Arpaio serves Nutraloaf for chow........... http://img.slate.com/media/1/123125/123087/2180670/2192727/080619_JUR_nutraloaf2EX.jpg
  16. Yes, You are absolutely right. The only Sheriff to impress me in the last 20 years is Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He's the only one that has the balls to show the criminals that passes through his gates that they are there to be punished and it's not going to be easy.....
  17. BTW.... Military guys, doesn't it make you sick to think you're defending these P.O.S.'s rights and freedom too. This country needs to be 10x harder on criminals than they are. Hell I would settle for seeing someone get a swift penalty then actually have to SERVE the entire sentence.... if you can't tell the videos made be blow a gasket or two....
  18. God Damn mother fuckers are worthless.... The kids and the parents... I'm sure there's more to the Marine's side too. I'm with Brian I bet he didn't politely ask them to quite down. I bet it went more like... "Hey, Shut the FUCK UP would ya"
  19. MY GOD $8500!!! A friend of mine used Bil Meeks who is/use to be partners with Sam and he only charged $2500 and it was this guys 3rd DUI in 10 years. I'm glad you learned your lesson and I'm glad I quit drinkin.....
  20. I bought a basic AR from cr member jjjxlr8 and it's been a great gun for me. The lower is a Sharps Rifle Company and the upper is a DPMS with a .223/5.56 barrel, and I paid in the mid to upper $600 range. I've used it for target shooting and Coyote hunting and it hasn't failed on me yet.
  21. I agree with ya on some of their stuff, but the RFB is $1880 MSRP. To me that seems expensive.... Maybe it isn't I don't know
  22. The United Way isn't any better either..... I kind of figured that all big charities are like this... It's a business not a charity
  23. http://www.gunlistings.org/ohio-gun-classifieds/all is another good site just like Armslist
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