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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. Giant Eagle knows it's a scam. They told me when I tried to use one at the W. Broad st. store. So I went to London and tried at Walmart and guess what.... They said the exact same thing. Then I call my brother (who works in a Kroger store Customer care counter) and he said it's funny I ask him about these because when he clocked in today there was a memo taped to the time clock telling all about these coupons and to not take them. He also said the memo stated these have been coming in by the hundreds.
  2. I might just have to go the LMR route. I've never really trusted the carfax thing. I really don't remember the exact millage, but was thinking it was about 100K miles less than the 238K your carfax is saying. That interior is in way too good of condition to have that many miles on it. I'll look to see if I got any paperwork on the car. I'll PM ya later on today..
  3. like the title says. Let me know what you got and how much. Prefer black but will consider a different color.
  4. real or fake.... Why is this funny?
  5. It's probably a Canadian Mustang. Ford released the Fox GT as a "GT Cobra" in Canada.
  6. http://www.nbc4i.com/cmh/news/local/article/Flying_Fortress_In_the_Skies_Over_Columbus/18955/ You can ride in it tomorrow for $430 a person......
  7. Which BB do you have? I watch movies on my Bold with the stock media player.
  8. It has definitely been sold.
  9. thanks for all the support. I told her and she took it very well. Much better than I expected anyways. I worked at Sterling Commerce in Dublin. They are owned by AT&T. My boss said that this was due to the failing economy and it was more than just me that got it. I was low man on the seniority totem pole with only 13 years in. The good thing is I've made lots of good friends over the past 13 years at Sterling that I'm going to miss. After the shock is gone and reality is back I feel pretty good about being able to find a new job within the IT industry. If there's anyone out there that needs a Datacenter/Operations/Facilities worker... I could be exactly what you're looking for!! It's going to be weird not getting up at 4:40am to get ready for work...... Hell I'm still thinking about shit that I was working on that my old boss needs to know about.... Sick thing is I'll call him tomorrow to fill him in... Well my arms and hands are going numb again so I'm going to take a break from the computer and try to choke down some food. thanks again for all the support, it definitely helps.
  10. because in 15 minutes I get to tell my wife I got layed off today. 1 day before my 13th year anniversary.
  11. prefer an unmolested one, but let me know what you got and how much you need out of it.
  12. I should have both. I'll check tonight and let you know. If I do you can have them for free.
  13. Show the dog who the alpha is... Repetition is key. We use a rubber ball or a piece of rope as a treat instead of dog bones when were trying to teach him something new. He still gets all the milk bones he can eat. Repetition is key. The only time I had to use force with him was when we had to give him ear medicine and he bit me. 3 years have went by and we've NEVER had that problem again. He takes his medicine with only minor wiggling around now. Repetition is key. BTW... I am looking for a GSD puppy myself... Could you send me the info on where you picked up yours? thanks one more time......................Repetition is key!
  14. I would be interested in the Marlin and the Colt if the prices went down.....
  15. Walmart at Tuttle Crossing just got some of the Federal .223 in this morning. If my memory serves me correctly it was about $33 per 100rnd box.
  16. Thanks Dan! I was really impressed with how clean the gun is. The sights are nice and bright. I couldn't be happier with it.
  17. No compressor or motor needed. LMK what ya got.......
  18. I think I have a stock throttle body, if I do it's yours for free. I'll check tonight when I get home from work.
  19. We got our GSD from a rescue out of Grove City called Shepherd Haven, German Shepherd Rescue. http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH520.html Do you ever plan on breeding the dog? If you do then the Rescue won't be for you. If the dog isn't already 'fixed', they make you get the dog 'fixed' per the contract.
  20. You've done a great job with that Fox. btw... Your Dad's 86 is looking good in the last picture. I wish it looked like that when I owned it. Keep up the good work!!
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