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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I'll take the BFG Geforce FX 5500 AGP 256 MB card for $20
  2. Are you looking for ON or OFF road? Are you stuck on Traxxas stuff? I have a Losi AD2 I'm going to trade or sell as soon as I get it back together. I have also been kicking around the idea of selling my E-Maxx if you're interested..
  3. Man, thanks fore posting this.... I was JUST about to call Derek about his Mach 1.
  4. I have an extra Losi XXX-NT Adam Drake 2 I would sell someone that is wanting to get into racing. I can set it up for CRCRC's indoor track or give you a setup sheet.
  5. IMO 1/8 scale was the most fun class to race. There's just too many of them racing this year for me. That's the main reason I went back to 1/10. Be careful when you turn marshal around any jumps when the novice class is running. They have no concept of throttle control. I've seen guys take buggies to the chest at WOT and get the wind knocked out of them. I watched an A Main brushless electric class race a couple weekends ago and was simply floored by the shear torque they have. Lightning fast down the stretch and plenty of power to launch you over any jump. If I didn't already have a bagillion dollars in all my nitro gear I would definitely race in a brushless class on Sunday.
  6. The only on road course I ever knew of in central ohio was CORCAR and Bill sold out years ago. If you decide to race 1/10 nitro on Saturday afternoons at CRCRC, I'll see ya there.
  7. I always loved the look of the SS Monte.
  8. It also turned it's 3 per side exhaust tips downward when the boost spooled up to help him jump..... KITT must have 2 4000psi turbos on him!! I watched until the first commercial break and that was it for me. and that chick was smokin!
  9. There's some really good pet pictures in this thread. Here's some pictures of mine. http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8956/s5030045qh9.jpg http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9567/simg1040ph3.jpg
  10. Here is the reason why Kevin had to work on the car..... http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7305/hpim0126ne0.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3416/hpim0125gq5.jpg http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/691/hpim0128pz5.jpg What amazed me was the insurance adjuster that looked at my car looked at the Cavalier too and said it was totaled. I'm no body guy but it sure didn't look totaled to me She definitely got the worst of it, but totaled? When the cop asked the girl what happen she replied with "I just wasn't paying attention" At least she was honest about it.
  11. Big thanks to Kevin for the great job he did painting and replacing the rear bumper cover on my 2000 Mustang GT. Not only did he do a fantastic job, he's fast and reasonably priced. I wouldn't hesitate to take any car to Kevin for body work. thanks again!
  12. What about apples is bad for dogs? My German Shepherd gets a stomach ache all the time but he eats anything he can get in his mouth. I laughed my ass off one day I was picking up poop and found one of the wife's socks that he shit out.
  13. How did you get the car to the OHP inspection facility? Did you have to trailer it there? I'm about to go thru this process as well. The T-Bird I have was totaled by the insurance co. and it only needed a fender and hood. After reading on http://www.oplates.com what you need to do to get the inspection I found that you need to have a receipt for any major body part replacement. They said nothing about fixing the parts that are on the car and they could care less if the car is road worthy or not. Like Crawdad said they're just making sure you're not using stolen parts. If you do end up buying the Saturn back, you'll have to buy an inspection package from the BMV for $50. That'll give you a number that you give to the OHP when you make the appointment to get the inspection done. (at the Alum Creek Dr. BMV) It's really a shame that these older cars get totalled so easily. The insurance co that totaled my T-Bird said that the cost of the hood alone totaled the car. He said it would cost a little over $1600 for the hood. Funny I bought a perfect condition one for $100 and what was even funnier was the insurance co. told my buddy that they would give him $400 for the car if HE kept it. If the insruance co. had to dispose of it they would only give him $200. That's why I got it for free.
  14. You pulled the tires off the wheels yourself? By hand or with a machine?
  15. I just talked to my brother and he said he would take $200 for it. The drivers widow has been covered and the rust is minimal. It's red with tan interior and the tranny is a 525 5spd. Located on Ross Rd. just south of Bellville.
  16. All I can say is wow. The Bobcats are really on the ball. Not sure what OSU's problem is... Maybe they missed breakfast this morning.... Someone take 10 cases of Red Bull to the Horseshoe STAT!!!
  17. I went to the ER after about 6 or 7 hours of it setting in. The ER did a CT scan and did blood work. Wanted to do a spinal tap but I wouldn't let them. My family doctor said he's only seen one case that never went away in a 65 year old diabetic woman. He also mentioned the stress thing but really I haven't been stressed at all. I have to go back to the family doctor and have complete blood testing done. He said when I was in the ER my sugar level was really high so he wants to check for diabetes. When it first started and I was looking in the mirror it was a little freaky but I couldn't help but laugh when I tried to smile. I look like the Joker. I had all the nurses in the ER cracking up. I'm getting use to it now. Until you get this you really take for granted the little things like when you eat being able to pull your lips from between the sandwich and your teeth.. sounds funny but I've bit the right side of my bottom lip about 10 times in 2 days! lol
  18. I woke up the other morning and the right side of my face was tingly like it was about an hour after I had a cavity filled and the Novocaine was wearing off. About an hour later the right side of my face was paralyzed. The worst part of it all is the headaches and ear aches. I have to tape my eye shut when I sleep and forget about drinking without a straw. Most people I've talked to that's had it says that it lasted about a month then it went away as fast as it came on. Apparently anyone that's had chicken pox can get it. For those that's had it before..... Did your doctor prescribe you any medications? My doctor has me on a handful of different drugs. neurontin, amitriptilyne, Ketoprofen, Prednisone, and Percocet (for the headaches). Did your doctor tell you there is any type of therapy you could do to help things along?
  19. My brother has an 88 Daytona Shelby that's missing the engine and the drivers window that he would sell cheap. Last time I seen the car it was in good shape still. LMK if you're interested and I'll PM you his number.
  20. Still got the seats? Leather or cloth seats? Any damage?
  21. How does she do around other dogs? Do you keep her in a cage or let her run the house? The wife has been wanting a smaller dog....
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