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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. You probably know my buddy Mike Flynn. He was around your area. I think in 2000 I was on the 2nd floor doing communications support for Outsourcing. Stacy Drake got the ax in the last round of layoffs. Tina is probably Tina Fink
  2. If you worked on the 4th floor of building 2, then I'm sure we've at least seen each other. How long ago did you work for Sterling? I've been with them for 9 years now.
  3. Can't beat this for $13 http://columbus.craigslist.org/for/77029416.html
  4. I thought about doing that at Krogers, but someone told me they will tow my car if I put a for sale sign on it. [ 15. June 2005, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Mustang_Nutt ]
  5. I looked out my window at work today to check on my car and this is was I saw... http://img65.echo.cx/img65/5359/simg09373mj.th.jpg without zoom http://img22.echo.cx/img22/6585/simg09385ll.th.jpg I thought it looked cool and I just happen to have my digital camera at work with me today. Sorry they look a little hazy. I was taking them thru a tinted office window.
  6. someone come buy this car. I need to get it out of my apartment complex's parking lot.
  7. sold [ 13. June 2005, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Mustang_Nutt ]
  8. I've always liked the Conquest. They were damn expensive back in the day. I was selling Chryslers in 89 and with the employee discount they still cost almost $19,000. That was a shitload of $$$ back then.
  9. You da man!! She is the hottest thing to hit racing EVER! Also I'm a fan of nice small tight boobs! To me more than a mouth full is a waste.
  10. Well it turns out that the virus is smarter than I thought. After a day of watching this virus I found that when it can't reach it's "home" from the first IP it will switch to a different IP AND a different port. The good news is that every virus scanner I've seen can wipe it out.
  11. Body isn't bad, the interior is near perfect, tires and exhaust is almost new. They all got put on just before being parked for 2 years in a barn then 1 year outside. The car had 168K miles on hte clock before I changed the gauges out for a set that I put indiglo covers on. I still have the original gauges too. The car will start ad run just fine with the choke on. As soon as the choke kicks off the car will die. Has new plugs, wires, cap, rotor, oil, filter. I have an extra carb from an 83, louvers and a bra that goes with it too. It was going to get a 5.0L but I have no time for this car anymore. I love the car, but have to let it go. $700 obo http://img27.echo.cx/my.php?image=simg03762hn.jpg http://img55.echo.cx/my.php?image=simg03749bx.jpg http://img55.echo.cx/my.php?image=simg0824edited6bl.jpg http://img27.echo.cx/my.php?image=simg03711po.jpg
  12. I agree with Boost-n-Juice. Also check out www.foureyedpride.com The guys over there can tell ya anything and everything you want to know about 4 eyed Mustangs.
  13. Mark1647545493


    Did you find something?
  14. I have the exact same dishwasher and it works great. The only difference I paid almost $400 for mine... This is a good deal.
  15. If someone really wants this he would take $200 cash for it.
  16. probably.... It would be above my level of expertise to do it. I know how to run a sniffer and find the IP that it hit to download the program. It was probably some little shithead kid in some third wolrd country that was bored and thought he would have some fun. I remember 10 years ago you could buy virus' out of the back of Nuts and Volts magazine.
  17. graemlins/thatfunny.gif I remember those days.... The virus is a version of the MYTOB worm. At work we were able to block the IP address that the worm uses to get back home and start downloading an email server program to your machine without you knowing. Then it attacks your contacts and blah blah blah.... By blocking the IP on your firewall it renders the virus useless.
  18. If I ever hit the lottery those will be the first two cars in my stable.
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