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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I took an 8" Bazooka tube and replaced the speaker with an 8" kicker and it sounds amazing with a good clean 100 watts of power pushing it. I use deck power (45w x 4) for the other 4 speakers in the car.
  2. Definitly would have stopped to help. Also what is the "good samaritan law"? I've never heard of this before?
  3. That's why it has over 1000HP! lol
  4. I've seen that car alot. It sits On Janette St. Crazy looking thing isn't it. The back of the car looks like it's got jets on it. I wonder if it even runs. Next time I see the people out at there house I'll stop and ask them about it.
  5. If Copperhead doesn't take that Alpine deck, I will. I also want to take a look at the other two amps too. When do you want to meet up? Same place cool?
  6. Tommy Thanks for the amp and 6" speakers!
  7. You can get it free from http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/win.html The pro version cost $30
  8. How big is this setup? Got any pics of it?
  9. After I hit the Mega Millions lottery I plan on buying the majority of his collection! smile.gif I WISH!
  10. I have an FB that is in need of a 302! smile.gif
  11. I have an FB that is in need of a 302! smile.gif
  12. No way he'll ever get out.... He has 10 1st degree murder charges that he pled gulity to which in turn carries a life sentence each. Hopefully the judge will have enough common sence to run them back to back instead of concurrent. Even if "Life" means 25 years before possible parole that would be 250 years. Not to mention the fact he's in his 60's and going to a prison where Big Bubba is waiting to hone his asshole while Chico skull fucks him to death. You gotta kinda feel bad for his kids tho don't ya? They knew nothing about what he was doing.
  13. I doubt that she's underage. If you go to her web site there are all kinds of nipple shots. That would be illegal if she wasn't 18.
  14. I read somewhere that it's not illegal to mod your xbox or run any 3rd party software on a modded xbox. What IS illegal is using burnt games that you don't own the orignal of and Microsoft gets a little upset when someone uses XBox Live with a modded machine. If MS catches you playing with a modded xbox on Live they will ban that machine forever. So you would never be able to get back onto XBox Live with that particular box.
  15. I'm putting a remote start in my 01 Ranger. I got 97% of the wiring done except for the factory arm/disarm wires. Every where I look on the internet it says to look for a dark green/purple stripe wire in a 4 pin pulg thats in the drivers kick panel. I can't find a green/purple stripe wire anywhere around the drivers side of the truck. Has anyone else went thru this?
  16. What are we seeing explode? mountian lions? Also what are they shooting with? a 50 cal BMG?
  17. I have Gentoox Linux Media center for the xbox if anyone wants it. It has to be put on a modded box.
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