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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. I'm looking at houses in West Jefferson and I would like to know what the people that live there thinks of the area. How's the crime? Are the cops a pian in the ass like New Rome use to be? Things like that......
  2. I called GRABDUI once a few years ago on a car in Hilliard driving down the center of Avery Rd from the High School to the Marathon station. Hilliard Police was on him like flys on shit. Litteraly he didn't make it another 1/3 mile from the time I called to the time he was pulled over.
  3. http://img298.imageshack.us/img298/2664/arguing4io.jpg
  4. Your link to the pics isn't working
  5. My brother has a couple Daytona Shelby Z's.... Those little engines are powerhouses with the super60 equipment on them.
  6. Derick works at the Firestone at Eastland Mall.
  7. http://www.10tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3697693&nav=LUERd64a News report on the thefts appearently this is becomming a problem in the area..... And the assholes are armed.
  8. could you send pics to me too. mfishe18@columbus.rr.com
  9. My apartment complex is directly behind that dance school you take your daughter too. I've already armed my girlfriend with a stun gun. (Hope she never has to use it!) BTW.....I HATE CRIMINALS.
  10. http://www.imageshack.us/ Just follow the directions on the site........... It's really easy
  11. any rust? What does the car need? could you pm me with more details? thanks
  12. On Sunday Aug. 7th two black men pulled into the apartment complex parking lot where I live (Wayne St and North St) and ordered a pizza to one of the apartments. When the pizza guy got there they robbed him. Last week a man was kidnapped out of his garage and was then taken to an ATM where they made him pull out cash. So anyone in this area be on the watch for shaddy assholes lurking around.
  13. keep an eye on http://www.slickdeals.net for good deals on Dell laptops. I've been using laptops for 10 years now and haven't found a better machine than a Dell.
  14. That's the best looking Yellow Mustang bar none, then your Mach 1..... and I'm not a big yellow car fan.....
  15. get a Granny's speed shop kit to drop a 350 down in that thing. could have the car up and running for under $1000
  16. Why didn't Ozzy show?
  17. She would make a great porn star!
  18. http://www.absoluteprelude.com/forums/uploads/post-12-1120372751_thumb.jpg
  19. The car is red and gray and rough. rusted floors, broken door handle, cracked taillight, black hood that needs work, no engine or transmission, bald tires. Would be worth a couple hundred if you are looking for something to totally restore. THe number on the car is 272-3 7or9 55. It was hard to tell if the 5th number was a 7 or a 9.
  20. I'll go look at it tonight. I'll post a number if there is one.
  21. Hilliard has the 60% law. Meaning if 60% of your business is food service then you can't allow smoking. Ottie's you cannot smoke in but if you walk across the street to Sports on Tap you can smoke. There's also a new bar across the street from work on Tuttle Crossing called Classics. Not sure if they're in Columbus or Dublin but they are not allowed to let people smoke anywhere but outside on the patio. If your willing to sign a waiver saying that you know it's illegal to smoke inside the var they will give you a dixie cup of water to ash in. This won't last long I'm sure because there logic behind it is that if the bartender gets fined the owner of the bar is going to take all these waivers to court and tell the judge that all these people signed these waivers knowing that it's illegal and chose to do so anyways. I told the bartender that she's nuts if she thinks thats going to fly in court and all she replied with was "I can't strong arm you into not smoking". lol Personally I could care less about bars, but I sure as hell don't want to smell smoke while I'm eating dinner.
  22. First bike was an 84 Seca 400 back in 1990. Then I steeped up to an 88 Hurricane 600 a year later. After I sold that one I stayed away from bikes until 2000 when I bought an 82 Seca 650 Turbo for me and a Rebel 250 for the girlfriend. After we move out of the apartment and into a house I'll be looking for an older GSXR 1100 or CBR 1000.
  23. 27 year old male going 80-100mph rear ended a dump truck to end his life.
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