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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. http://www.nbc4i.com/news/4727464/detail.html?treets=col&tid=2651589452813&tml=col_4pm&tmi=col_4pm_1_02500107152005&ts=H Churches like this need shut down. Seems like anyone these days can open a church.
  2. Theres a couple really cheap 2nd gens over on Ohiorotaries.com
  3. If you still got this on Friday, I'll take it for sure! That's a steal for a hdd of that size and speed.
  4. When my pump went out it had your symptoms for three or four times trying to start it then it would just crank over.
  5. There's better ways to supply co2 to your crop than having tanks.... Try vinager dripping into baking soda. Much cheaper and works very well. smile.gif lol
  6. That sounds like the same thing that happen to me when my fuel pump went out.
  7. That's bullshit. If parents want to get a stripper for their kid they should be able to without the long arm of the law stepping in.
  8. That's a real story. The bear killed a couple people in Alaska and this guy killed it. He also works for the Alaskan division of wildlife. The guy didn't even get to keep the bear as a trophy..... The government took it and had it stuffed and then put it in the airport in Anchorage.
  9. The cops car was a Taurus. Not sure what they made the 6000sux out of. Kinda looked like a pimped out old 70's Chrysler or something. I'm going to have to wath the movie again....
  10. Stay away from Carswell's Rotary Connection in Pataskla. He might know what he's doing but he charges WAY WAY too much. He wanted $450 to replace an intake manifold gasket and $2700 top rebuild the engine in my 85 RX7. The dude is a complete rip off.
  11. That cop needed his ass kicked, then FIRED! The world doesn't need cops like that!!
  12. Damn man, that sucks! Sorry to hear. Keep us updated
  13. If one of the siren wires goes to a constant 12 volts and the other wire goes to the alarm module, then it sounds to me like the wire going to the alarm module is shorted to ground somewhere. Trace the wires from the siren and see what ya find. What alarm is it?
  14. My lawyer told me that 4 is a felony, but that's been 6 or 7 years ago....
  15. Ditto! I swear there must be at least 1 shooting a day over inthat area. Either burn it down or fence it in!
  16. Gotta love Satellite images! GSRchick714, yor neighborhood must be fairly new. These pictures the map uses are a few years old. Just think about this..... If the government is letting us use their old tools like this, wonder what they have that they aren't showing us. They probably have satellites that can see into your house and know exactly what your doing with the click of a mouse. The Hubble telescope put at the Golden Gate Bridge can read the date off of a dime that is on top of the Empire State Building.....Crazy isn't it!
  17. I could see wanting to make your car look like that if it was orignally a cop car that your restoring, but to purposely make your car look like that for no specific reason other than you want to do it is pretty much what everyone has been telling you. GAY!
  18. I just showed my girlfried and she laughed her ass off!! Damn I hate illegal's!
  19. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2005/03/20/2003247076 So what will they call IP over skin? SKIP? lol
  20. I'm all for the way he's running his jail. As far as I'm concerned prisoners should have NO rights. Rights are for the citizens that obey the law.
  21. Is this the red pocket bike with lights and a speedo on it for $150? If so PM me. I'd like to see it in person. thanks
  22. Mark1647545493


    What OS does it have? Any other software on it?
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