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Everything posted by ridenred27

  1. are you buying the 5" oval or do you want me to fab the 5" oval? either way yes i am
  2. a f-250 that needed exhaust so i figured why not.
  3. new toy and another project finished 4 inch single exhaust http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/0207081457.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/0207082105.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/0207082105a.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/0207082106.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/0207082107.jpg
  4. the other side and a pic from the top please. ice chudece gloucho.......detebom gloucho detebom
  5. can i get a few more pics of it i am real interested in it
  6. buck does your boy attend the mrdd school?
  7. i started with verizon last year with a lg 8300 loved it wore all the numbers off the pad broke the case speakers quit but the phone kept on working. ( i am VERY rough and use the hell out of my phones) bought a razor as a temp phone hated it within 2 hours of activating it. found another lg 8300 and had it activated and am in love again. motorola phones suck, 8 years of nextel motorola crap and nothing has changed motorola phones still sucks big monkey nuts. go with a lg phone you will love them
  8. no shit that a sharp looking ride
  9. montel is truly a stand up guy well said montel
  10. oh my god thats so funny. ice your the man u dead muada fuckr lol
  11. +1 t.j i to have the same problem
  12. but the ford crew will welcome you with open arms
  13. real simple for you to point this out as a joke, you have been through the system its no joke. this is a very touchy subject for me and many others. how about you aim this joke at your father and see his reaction!!!!!!! betcha it aint to plesent. my apologies to you and your father for what i implied.
  14. there is enough of my personal info here on me do a search. if that does not quench your thirst for gossip then your just gonna have to be thirsty.
  15. i owe absolutly no back support so FUCK OFF and watch who you are calling asshole. just because your dad is a loser and dosent pay his support gives you no right to associate me with him. but then again opinions are like assholes everyone has one. the first suspension i was behind so yes i was in the wrong, but i got the arrearages paid up. as for the last two were due to an agreed entry that the ex and i came up with to change the status of the our custody and the amount i was to pay her for. have you any personal experence with the franklin county support offices? if you have then you will know how fucked up they are. if not well all i can say is shut your mouth and find someone else to pass your biased judgement on.
  16. has nothing to do with paying the support. so dont jump to conclusions bub, they are all withdrawls. there is ALOT MORE to this story than you even know.
  17. License Status as of 01/21/2008: VALID Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous three-year period. ABSTRACT DRIVER RECORDS **************WITHDRAWALS************** KS CHILD SUPPORT SUSPENSION STATUS: CLOSED START: 04/17/2007 END: 04/20/2007 BMV CASE: KS07017378 KS CHILD SUPPORT SUSPENSION STATUS: CLOSED START: 04/03/2007 END: 04/05/2007 BMV CASE: KS07014229 KS CHILD SUPPORT SUSPENSION STATUS: CLOSED START: 01/12/2007 END: 01/24/2007 BMV CASE: KS07001996 KS CHILD SUPPORT SUSPENSION STATUS: CLOSED START: 09/08/2004 END: 07/31/2006 BMV CASE: KS04039206 ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** clean as a whistle and loving it
  18. no fail dodges suck, the only reason many purchace the trucks to begin with is for the cummins. i dont have any personal experence with the duramax trucks so i dont have an opinion on them. the stroks in the fords are ok but i prefer the ford trucks over any of the others offered.
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