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Everything posted by ridenred27

  1. thanks scott your car came out real nice and the wheels look perfect, now it needs lowered. no rush on the cat adam tell your dad that box can be a dust truck too. i will build him one similar to that one for a real fair price. that black pos isnt nearly as bad ass as the mustang, impala, or that green beast in the background eric i havent done a thing with it. i hope this winter is good to me, allowing me to resume at the work i started the 51 has had a new home in ill for two years now
  2. 250x same basic thing. i forgot to add this the reason for the new head pipe is because i swapped a 86 350x atc engine into it. well i am reswapping this new engine due to a serious hack job that was done by a local shop. shop did the initial swap for a close friend i traded him for the quad a week later old engine was scrap, nearly 4 years later i found this engine. it was a take out engine from when they banned 3 wheelers.
  3. here is my long term project he sure is a gem. 13 sergical (sp) procedures later and looking better every day. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/Connor2.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0059.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0057.jpg
  4. pic of my new to me again mustang. had to sell her a few years ago but i have her back http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00004-1.jpg
  5. camaro that i painted it was red. pics were taken before i wetsanded and buffed the turd. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00038.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00037.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00035.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00034.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00033.jpg
  6. if anyone here has any pics of work i have done for them please post them up.
  7. a 51 ford that i gave new life after a 20 year rest http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00024.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00023.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00022.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00020.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00019.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/DSC00021.jpg
  8. winter project http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0265.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0262.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0260.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0261.jpg
  9. some more http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0250.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0249.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0245.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0241.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0239.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0231.jpg
  10. i am the worst about taking pics of projects, many of you here know that. so lately i have been making a point of doing this. this is a custom stainless head pipe i started, its all welded now but no pics yet http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0222.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0221.jpg this is a leaf box that i built for a local lawn care service. cool thing about this box is that it can be removed so the stake body can be used during the spring summer and early fall. in the winter the stakes are removed and a salt box is installed. the owner takes real pride in how his fleet looks, no plywood and tarps here. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0257.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0248.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0258.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0256.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/ridenred27/IMG_0252.jpg
  11. thanks for the info guys. i do know that i have her dead to rights on at least two counts of contempt of court. on top of her not looking out for the best on our sons behalf ...... why would you pick up and leave in the middle of the school year. being a kid is hard enough let alone the disruption of a school change totaly new enviroment no family no friends nothing. to me that is just being selfish and plain bad parenting. the only reason she had to move is that is where her boyfriend is from. mind you she is one of the, im in love, he is the best, he wants to take care of us bitches that falls for it hook line and sinker. since we split 9 years ago its been a pattern for her. scott offer appricated but i would get so much more satisfaction by cramming my hand down her fat pie hole and making her gag and puke.
  12. well my scum bag ex in the last six months has decided to stop letting me see my oldest son. i am not allowed to call him or see him. she is also wanting me to sign away my parental rights to him. she has also threatened me (more than once i have the proof too) that if i didnt do so she is going to make my life a living hell(term she uses). now this morning i check the mail and there is a letter from pennsylvania where they now reside (my son his mother and the boyfriend) again stating she plans on going after the maximum amount of child support. my question is can she just move out of state with a current support order/ visitation order can she just terminate the order without my approval does anyone know of a good lawyer that deals with this and does anyone have a phone number to a good hit man!!!!!!!! kidding
  13. dave you can make one out of an old valve. seen it done a few times works nice
  14. here is one we can brew you a new pot it will only take 5 miniutes always fresh my ass
  15. thats funny i get the same thing. but i get you are to good to be true shit instead of why arent you nicer to me. i love getting told you are a fucking man whore ha ha damn right and good at it to.
  16. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    well i dont know what to say, except today has been one great thing after another. no jail time i am paid in full and then to come home early ( have not been able to do that in a long while) then read all of these posts. all i can say is wow i am glad tthat i have this kind of support from all of you that posted. i am truly thankfull. back to the issue at hand. as said and also read by a few others, no cash and dash by me. the pump was replaced money was taken early to pay for the pump, i didnt at the time have 400.00 extra cover the cost of the pump ( had to order in, nonstockimg item) so 2 days later pump arrives car arrives and the pump was replaced. end of story. like i said before i will be in contact with kriss the begining of the week since i didnt do any time.
  17. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    look you clearly have no reason to be here other than to bad mouth me. become a worty contributing member or leave. the only reason that i even was on here tonight was to send a few pm's out ( something you should have done in the first place) it is also clear that you choose not to read the rules here. oh if you think that i am that MAD why am i still typing? if i was clearly that mad this keyboard would be broke into little pieces. becides i love people like you so i clearly could not be mad at lil ol you.
  18. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    oh one last thing my fingers hurt i havent done this much typing in a long long time.
  19. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    what part of i have the old part do you not understand? she sat right there and watched my install the pump. the pump was almost 500.00 i charged her 1.5 hours labor at 58.00 an hour 87 bucks. i have never charged her full price for anything due to the fact she is in school. just go price the pump. i am tired you are both right i am wrong. hey to all members of cr i ripped every single one of you off. TRUE STORY!!! please do the right thing and band togather and file suit. sorry to you all
  20. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    radio and fan are both at my shop as i said in the above post. do me a favor before you post anything else call germain chevy in the morning and speak to the parts dept, get a price on a fuel pump module ( yes module that is what gm calls them because it has the pump and the fuel level sending unit all in one module) its for a 97 chevy caviler with a 2.2 4cly engine ( 2.2 may be wrong but her car has the base model engine smallest one avalible) once you get the price on that pump then we will talk. BTW i was no where near flipping out, if i flipped out trust me you would know
  21. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    ha i just read this i read the first few posts and then responded. there has never once again never once has there been a note attached to my door or to the door of buckeye auto service( shop next door) texts and phone calls yes but no notes. some people have a real hard time understanding this so i will type it out so it can be understood I WORK AS A TRUCK DRIVER PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT THEN......................................................................................................... I WORK AT MY SHOP SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT. i am also a one man show.. as for filing charges she can do what ever she feels she needs to do. i have the old pump still and the proof of payment for the new one.( i still have it because i am to lazy to pitch it in the trash.i might be tricky at times but no david copperfield no magic poof and an extra pump. would sure be nice though.
  22. ridenred27

    Rolla's Place

    first off i dont care to air my personal fucking buisness on any public forum. i owe back child support and go to court in the morning. if found guilty i will be doing 90 days in jail so with that said i have been working like a fucking slave for the last 2 months. working this way so i can get my owed money paid. in the last two days i have got like 4 hours sleep.for kriss and her car she paid 500 for a fuel pump and the install of the pump( gm factory part stil have the old one and the recipt for the new one) pump installed as she waited and read a book as she waited. SO NO PAY AND RUN SITUATION. keep accusing some one without facts and FUCK OFF. i have her new radio and her fan, both at the shop. (raido is a gm cd player not exactly cheap) both given to cuz she has been a good customer.before you decide to bring up anything else krisses wipers have absolutly nothing to do with her fuel pump, that there is just a random new problem( it is an american car THEY FUCK UP). with her scedule and mine i was not able to get her in and now i am so wrapped up in projects i am a little scatter brained.there is a few people i have totally forgot about not intentionaly (sp) but the stress of 90 days over my head and the lack of sleep its real easy to say i will call back in a bit and then realize its 2am and need to go home. scott forgot scotts dad forgot yohan forgot kriss forgot, eric and jens wedding could not go working, stillmans reception again working sorry to all listed and to those not. hell i didnt even get to take my babe boy connor trick or treating tonight, i did get to see him for a bit. lil dude was a cowboy this year for those that want to know. if you dont care piss off and skip this part.i am in no way or have ever been or ever will rip anyone off. that is flat not my style. now if all goes as i would like it to go i will be a free man tomorrow. i will still be busy through this weekend why ................. i will tell you i am first going to get some well deserved sleep, then i am going to fuck my lady like a PORN STAR, gonna drink a couple gallons of beer, and i am giong to take the weekend off. tell kriss i will be in touch the beginning of the week. i think that i deserve it.
  23. i have no problem with posting my views but my rants would crash the server, i have WAY to much to say.
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