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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. The funniest thing is is that these weird douche-bags will in turn make their kids weird douche-bags who will in turn grow up to be weird douche-bags and/or sex offendors. Solution: DONT GO SEE THE FUCKING MOVIE. THIS IS AMERICA. YOU HAVE CHOICES. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WALK INTO THE FUCKING MOVIE THEATRE, PAY $18, AND THEN GET ONLINE AND BITCH AND MOAN AND TRY TO TAKE THE FUN AWAY FROM OTHERS WHO DO NOT HAVE PENT UP FUCKING SMALL MAN SYNDROME AND NEED TO FIND POWER IN SHUTTING DOWN A HILARIOUS FILM. FUCK.
  2. Getting paid to get milkshakes thrown at you is like Two Girls One Cup but delicious.
  3. I was just kiddin' buddy. You're a cool guy. But seriously, if you want to sit around and do absolutely nothing and make lots of money get a job at the DSCC or DFAS on East Broad working for the government. :cool:
  4. Wow, people need to learn how to read. His fenders already have everything done that he wants (pulled, rolled, covered, capped); he just wants it tidied up and wants a competent, skilled metal worker to do so.
  5. You guys are lazy. Seriously. Minimum wage is like $7.65, so for $0.45 cents less you can get a job ANYWHERE except it may require more effort than holding a sign. But I guess you can't jerk off at any old job.
  6. Kevin R.

    Reboot at 11P

    That was outrageous. Cut that shit out.
  7. Kevin R.

    Stolen Quad on CL

    This is taking too long. Other forums would be disapointed in us.
  8. People would be less fat because your fat child would have to walk down the street to talk to his fat friends instread of discussing Pokemon on AOL.
  9. ? http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/turbobong.jpg
  10. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    Just PM me next time you want something sold amigo.
  11. Do you only sandblast parts for GMC Sierra motors? Would you consider doing a 420a?
  12. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    Add to first post for instant sales: http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/millershit.jpg
  13. http://www.thespincycle.com/files/AmishGirlsLarge.jpg Swwwwaaaawinnggg!
  14. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    I'll let you sleep with this girl if you buy Miller's shit. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/420697968_d1598a2001.jpg
  15. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    Someone needs to buy this shit so we can run away together.
  16. I will throw you a bone. I heard the amish do great work for cheap. I do not know where you will find an amish apolsteror or the price, but that is the glimmer of knowledge I can share. Plus, you may get some delicious pie and see hot girls you can't bang while looking for the apolsteror.
  17. Kevin R.

    Need sold!

    I would buy anything you had for sale just cuz' you're so pimp.
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