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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. My vanity plates make it very difficult for officers in my experience since they rarely know the difference between a 0 and a O on a license plate. I have been asked twice after being pulled over if the car is stolen because it comes up as a Toyota. I have to politely inform them on how to read a license plate. BTW it is "5 O"
  2. Does that make me a Captain of Crunch?
  3. At the same time. http://www.mygtv.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/bad_luck.jpg
  4. Don't be mad I live the lifestyle 15 year olds dream of living one day. Drivin' reckless doin' 22 while takin' lines off a hookers ass.
  5. You die before your next post. (spoiler)
  6. I love the show. It isn't always the same every episode. Sure, they catch crab every episode, but interesting shit happens as well. I couldn't believe that one captain (Phil?) was bleeding into his lungs or whatever and was just chillin' for a couple days feelin' like shit.
  7. Nah. It is a place like Race Wars in F&F me and Phil go to. He brings his little yellow car for some heads up action.
  8. I felt like my jaw was about to dislocate when I did the cracker thing.
  9. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/0725081759.jpg 5 - 25 roll. I won.
  10. For some reason my mind read this thread title as "Huge fucking dragon fly, no fucking way" and I was utterly disapointed.
  11. Wheel Medic hooked a friend of mine up on fixing a cracked wheel at a hell of a price. He looked all over for a new wheel at junk yards and places that usually offer good prices such as HubCap Annie. Wheel Medic blew all prices out of water and got the wheel repaired in one day. Now he just has to get his girlfriend to stop plowing into curbs. I am not sure who he talked to, but it was a newer Grand Prix wheel with a crack in it. I guess we all know they can work on the calibre of cars such as Lamborghinis and S8s but they take the same pride and quality of work into a Grand Prix! Thanks Wheel Medic!
  12. This looks fuck. Fuck you Cobalt kid. Fuck you hard. That was fun.
  13. I, for one, want to know if it was wrecked whenI use CarFax.
  14. Thought that shit wasn't out until August?
  15. That shit is going to be fucking hilarious. Yes, yes we should.
  16. Cuz' you cut your hair thug-life.
  17. You can't say anything you want and just follow it with 'no homo' Phil.
  18. ^^^^ That guy looks like Miller.
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