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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Hey...Tilley is here for his once-a-month posting extravaganza.
  2. Where is this? I have some "things" that I need to take care of. How far from public places is it?
  3. That one always looked so fake to me I couldn't believe the guy fell for it.
  4. "That guy is huge I don't wanna get in a fight with him." "That's a good point." That made me
  5. Kevin R.


    No. We really do beat people in. I can't walk right now.
  6. Kevin R.


    I was waitin' for you to get gangsta on those Hooters girls kicking your stool.
  7. I can still wear my man-thong in public so suck it.
  8. Kevin R.


    Damn I hate a shy bitch. Don't you hate a shy bitch? Man, I ate a shy bitch. She ain't shy no more in fact she changed her name to 'my bitch'.
  9. Hahaha. +1 Sick sick sick sick sick sick sickkkkk.
  10. Kevin R.


    Call me so I can get it juicy for ya.
  11. Jesus Christ. http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj271/lyke_no_otha_1/asskk0.jpg
  12. That just makes me want to pound shots at an excessive rate of speed.
  13. Yeah I have been through a lot of it actually; especially Ben Harper. I ended up just downloading all kinds of random shit one day after seeing I liked a couple of his songs. I was disapointed by most of it in the end.
  14. The first one is pretty much what I am thinking of. Jack Johnson however, is not, BRO. Maybe it is just certain songs and I have no idea what I am talking about.
  15. Fuck...I dunno. I think it is soft rock with just a chill beach vibe? I am not talking straight Hawaiian music, lol. Maybe some bongos?
  16. That is the thing. I always hear it somewhere...forget about it...and then move on.
  17. Eh, I guess more on the rock side? I listen to some reggae and that isn't what I am looking for. I think if someone actual listens to what I am describing it will make sense. If not, I sound like a crazy man.
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