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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. What would you need to stream tomorrow?
  2. One of the best championships I have ever seen. That was amazing.
  3. Because I don't memorize the name of every link posted on this website, thus clicking it and seeing something I saw in the woom, thus commenting it is old to save other people the time.
  4. Although a little early, I am calling Tiger on this one. He doesn't look to be in a 10th of the pain he was the rest of the open and will most-likely outplay Rocco unless he passes out from too many meds or something.
  5. Damn you can start a lil' business Andrew.
  6. Is it? Shit. I thought the site said 3:45pm. Tuning in now...
  7. I can't wait. I like Rocco's attitude and presence on the golf course and well, Tiger is Tiger.
  8. Kevin R.

    i like this

    +1 I really like the idea.
  9. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/Truck1.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/Truck2.jpg
  10. My buddy from school went and said it is the coolest fucking thing he has ever seen. I wanna go sometime. Looks amazing.
  11. I bet they would have loved to have all of you who know so much about the trial and evidence on the prosecuting side.
  12. http://2.content.collegehumor.com/d1/ch6/3/1/collegehumor.c539713314a80b24017a2121a356efe8.jpg http://3.content.collegehumor.com/d1/ch6/9/2/collegehumor.62765bd9bd29955619d3a442ec0fc5de.jpg
  13. Just kind of odd seeing them on something other than a Mustang. Looks better than the old wheels though.
  14. It would probably take everything I had not to beat the drunk driver to the end of his life after seeing something like that.
  15. Happy Father's Day to all you dads. Gonna wash and wax the old man's ride when I get my lazy ass outside.
  16. That is on all the time. I sent a gift basket out to all your womenz.
  17. Oh jesus that is awesome. Buy that shit Miller. Except I'm not paying for it since it was my idea.
  18. Instead of people lining up at a keg they can line up with their change at the vending machine. Then you have options!
  19. If it is cans I want this. Beer vending machine in my house FTW.
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