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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Nope. Buckeye fan all the way. I would much rather have a pimp ass room with a nicer television and some comfy ass chairs. Add a bar in there too. I could probably pimp 7 rooms for the time it took to do that.
  2. Does anyone else think that is fucking hideous?
  3. You guys sound like a bunch of ski rapists.
  4. 11th. Pretty good for randomly picking drivers.
  5. Do you think $580 every 6 months being 20 years old, 1 accident, 2 tickets is steep? This is through Progressive with just liability. Seems a little high to me for the coverage I get, but I am not sure if others will do better.
  6. Your camera needs to quit drinking.
  7. Not lookin' good for the ol' fantasy squad right now.
  8. Boom ba chsst boom chst boom ba chssst boom schhhtt ricka
  9. Light beer is light beer. After the first two they all taste the same. But, if we are choosing, Bud Light.
  10. I think I am the best beatboxer ever.
  11. Dude, you are the king of making the most vague fucking threads. " Does anyone have/ever had a Porsche? " Are you doing surveys?
  12. Update: Everyone on Morse Road is a dumbass. Just got a taste of that action leaving Easton.
  13. Mine is almost at 200k and runs great. Knock on wood.
  14. What a waste of time. I'll take a RedBull please.
  15. your soooooooo hooooooood you wear your pants below your waste cant even dance up in this place cuz you and yo boys be tryin to hate you soooooooooo hoooooooood
  16. That seems like a decent price depending on the shape of the interior since the exterior obviously needs some work. You will see way more mileage out of the motor if he took care of it. The only thing I would be worried about at that mileage is the tranny which seems to be taken care of already. I would jump on it. Throw a paint job on there and that is a very good deal on those rims if they are in decent shape. Go for it man. I am positive you will enjoy the car.
  17. You're the drunk ass. It made perfect sense.
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