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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Green rims are the new hawtness. Almost as cool as rusty hoods.
  2. BTW...go over there and tell them how you overreacted and are very sorry. Let a week or two go by. Go over there and ask to borrow something of value or importance to them. I.E. grandmother's ashes, their pet, a car, etc. Return it fucking trashed. You win.
  3. I think it is weird you text your neighbors....
  4. I have been washing and re-using my condoms.
  5. I used to like Brett Favre a lot before all of this. Now he is just kind of douchey.
  6. How is that partially his fault? It is implied that when you BORROW something you return it in the condition you got it. You must be like his neighbors.
  7. Ours are all sitting there with C4C written on the window. Haven't seen anything done with them yet...
  8. Powerwash the shit off.
  9. Those Civics do not look cool in the least.
  10. That video sucked donkey dick. Just show me the fucking thing and quit trying to be artistic.
  11. Can we get an update on the exhaust problem?
  12. I heard if you rub animal shit on the swelling it goes away in almost 5 minutes. Let me know.
  13. That looks like a group of people I never want to hang out with.
  14. Those exhaust tips are a threat to your safety they look so gay.
  15. Meh. He was probably very embarassed.
  16. Same here...got it in a text message.
  17. Kevin R.


    Good point Thanks, Eric
  18. Kevin R.


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