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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.

    Sad shit

    All that managed to do was severely piss me off.
  2. Your photography skills are sick man. Awesome car.
  3. It is the flu, fucking pussies.
  4. Is there some reason my computer clock ALWAYS goes off? 10 minutes after I "sync it with the internet" it is off again. Is my computer retarded? WTF is going on? http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/2008/12/83%20Fatty%20Fatty%20Bo%20Batty.jpg
  5. PS. If your job accuses you of stealing and tells you never to call there -- you can make the assumption you are fired. You sound like a bright guy.
  6. Why would you want to go back?
  7. I'm guessing she has a pussy to go along with her awesome boobs, homos.
  8. I had a boner this entire video.
  9. Damn. That little kid got me. "Daddy I'm so proud of you." Sad.
  10. Best comment. "Reminds me of this chick that had STD's, I sure enought wanted to punch her ticket was but was afraid of the repercussion and consequences."
  11. That is very tastefully done. Beautiful car.
  12. We should put pictures of guys raping little boys when you log into the internet because sometimes that happens from it.
  13. So should we put these on every car window at the dealership? http://www.consumershero.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/fatal_car_accidents_056.jpg Maybe on every motorcycle? http://www.consumershero.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/fatal_car_accidents_0510.jpg You're such a bigot.
  14. Kevin R.


    Of my wiener?
  15. Kevin R.


  16. Seems like something is wrong with the lens as they are ALL in the same spot. Just a guess, though.
  17. Kevin R.


    Hey Sam, Looking to have a concrete mold done of my penis. Can you PM me some average sq/in with pricing. Thanks, Eric
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