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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Oh, I fuckin' agree. Popeye's is the shit. We don't have one of those in Athens either and they don't give me free meals (although due to the circumstances KFC does not either).
  2. I went on free piece day and it wasn't too shabby. Tasted like it sat in the styrofoam box it came it for 5 hours but other than that kinda tasty.
  3. FUCK ATHENS KFC. Next car in the drive-thru, see a sign posted on the order board and immediately know. "Sorry, but we are not participating in any online coupons. Sorry for the inconvenience." Ben must have called them.
  4. I have never heard someone throw a bitch fest about a free chicken dinner before. Please, don't print the coupon and go get any. I bet the chicken on your pedestal is way much tastier.
  5. Bumping for Phil since he said no he was not aware of the party.
  6. Looks pretty legit by their reaction.
  7. Dude is fucking creepy.
  8. At least my bullshit is innovative. Fucking amateurs. All you guys do is come in with some wack ass kitty picture or a random smiley and fuck every cool thread up.
  9. Solution: Ban Tyler and Firehead dude from posting in the Kitchen. KTHNX
  10. Seems like management is pissing everyone off lately.
  11. There was a thread made about Palmer Fest, which is what I told you about, about 3 weeks ago. So suck on that.
  12. I think I am going to print one out for each day until the 19th. Campus KFC will hate me.
  13. That is because you can't do it any more....not even in the kitchen. Everyone gets butthurt and cries.
  14. The Kitchen has turned into a cry baby bitch fest where people whine about alternators and any other random shit on their mind. What happened to the good ol' days of shit talking? Now someone makes a thread and it gets closed because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings....
  15. Kevin R.

    My mt dew stash

    Pretty sure that is an oxymoron.
  16. Kevin R.

    My mt dew stash

    You guys are obese.
  17. Pay MORE for the chrome ones, and then rattle can them? Are you fucking retarded?
  18. @ twinkie picture. I used to have way too much free time.
  19. Ya lets deter people from posting videos of hot chics. Fags. PS. Megan Fox is fucking hot.
  20. I think they take something out of them that takes that away.
  21. Fuckin Phil. Make this Friday. I have shit to do that Saturday night.
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