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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Those weren't thumb tacks. I thought that at first too. I think they are marbles or something round so he would slip. I'd break that cunt.
  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37275&highlight=richard+petty
  3. No I didn't. That is a great thing.
  4. Good. Now I don't have to wait in a million mile long line to eat. The day our Chipotle opened on campus there was a 2 mile line. If I told you to wait at the end of a line for 2 1/2 hours for $6 would you? Fuck that. Go buy the thing. They probably cannot afford to give out free shit in this economy.
  5. Just join one of those biker gangs I see on the History channel all of the time. They seem to get great benefits, aka, doing what the fuck they want. Plus you can make some side cash selling narcotics.
  6. Ah. I guess I should have gotten it wasn't paint from the title of the thread, but I took "wrapped" as meaning "finished".
  7. Absolutely sick. That paintjob does the car justice.
  8. Thanks for the unexpecting spider photos as I sit in the dark. FUUUCCKKK I hate spiders.
  9. True. However, I think people automatically think "bankruptcy" and think of a personal bankruptcy. It is totally different for a company, especially one working so closely with our federal government at the moment. Bankruptcy definitely does not mean death in this case. However, my shares I bought for $6.00 will be wiped out.
  10. No shit. I have rice cooking on the stove as we speak. No lie. Don't know if that is going to happen now.
  11. That is worse than half the shit Linn posts.
  12. I believe GM would still operate the whole time. However, they would be auctioning off distressed assets leaving the profitable aspects of GM in operation. They do not sound like they plan on halting all production, design, and distribution of their vehicles while this bankruptcy happens. That isn't how a 363 works. EDIT: By assets, I don't mean cars.
  13. There is a future. They are essentially splitting the company into a bad and good GM is what I was getting at.
  14. Who gives a fuck if someone is legal or not? I am "legal" now, but if you really didn't touch a drop of alcohol until you were 21 you missed out on some great times during ages 1-20.
  15. Bahahahahahha. I'll never forget June 28, 1998. That bitch was a freak. I was 10.
  16. Negative. I did a lot of research on this and what kind of bankruptcy GM is more-likely considering. The kind of bankruptcy they are going after is called a "363" that involves the selling of many of its assets. It’s a sale authorized under the bankruptcy law that requires court approval. It normally starts with a request to the court to approve a set of bidding procedures. That includes the time the bidding has to be submitted, the nature of what has to be sold. 363 sales typically start with what’s always called a stalking horse, which is someone who has agreed to buy the assets on particular terms for a particular price. Then the court starts the counterbidding. In exchange for the chance that it may get outbid, the stalking horse gets a break-up fee and get paid all of its expenses incurred in getting to the table first. So, you most likely will not be able to go pick up a brand new Corvette on the cheap just because of this. As, that is still a valuable asset to GM. The way it sounds, someone has to bid for and buy the assets of GM. The question is who or what entity? The fact they are seeking this type of bankruptcy leaves a lot of questions and confusion, as there is a lot of things you cannot do in a 363 sale. Also, what if there is no "stalking horse", or bidders? Does anyone really want GM?
  17. More than one probably should.
  18. I LOL'd at Rob doing tricks and almost killing himself on his giant 80s moped when the Nitro Circus came over.
  19. I just finished a class on this. What is your question? Or just post up the HW problem. I can actually be helpful on this matter so no graph needed.
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