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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. That is just the hard way of doing this. :nws: http://www.youjizz.com/videos/wtf-happend-to-this-cop-pussy-117588.html
  2. Wow, I do not know what I would do if I lost all my possessions, horrible as that sounds being so insignificant. I hope you bounce back with a little help. I am way too small in size or I would send some stuff up to ya. PS. CR fucking rocks in times of need.
  3. Once again, you guys are mixing up the words FLAT and MATTE just like Kevin said before. MATTE you will be able to take care of in the same way as regular clear coat. It is still clearcoated and protects in a similar fashion. FLAT is a can of primer, and no, you cannot take care of it properly.
  4. So I can just call them after they send the package and tell them to hold it?
  5. Well if I tell them to hold it they won't leave it on my porch fool.
  6. Ok. That is the info I got as well. I know they will come 3 times and then hold it but I don't want to go through that hassle when I can just straight up tell them to hold it. I wasn't sure if there was something else you had to do. Thanks.
  7. Ok, here is the dealio. I am ordering some books online for school and I am fairly sure that I am not going to be at school the week they will come and don't want them to just set my shit on the porch for some jackass to steal. Can you send a package to a UPS store or something and then pick it up? Anyone know how to do this?
  8. http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn154/CroMagx34/epicthread-new.gif
  9. Then you may have tasted one or two penises in your lifetime.
  10. To answer all the questions we used to fight about in middle school.
  11. Mind it I skipped around but...I saw nothing unusual....
  12. Kevin R.


    I just walked back from the bar and I can't feel my dick. Help?
  13. LOL at this becoming all our backgrounds right meow.
  14. That is a good game plan. Bitch will be dead when he is 40.
  15. Our society is fucked up when people would rather suck horse cock. I blame it on the internet. After you see chics rub poop on other chics and glass jars break in dude's asses who wants regular anymore?
  16. Yeah. If you don't speak Japanese they put you in a holding cell until they can verify that you aren't Pikachu.
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