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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.


    You should have shared this with the rest of us. I would have done it in a week. World record shit.
  2. Kevin R.


    Seems like the hardest part would be locating all of them.
  3. That won't mesh with the ensuing gayness.
  4. Kevin R.


    Kenny Adams would be his name.
  5. Kevin R.


    Is the list Ohio beers? Or just random shit they find to be good?
  6. I'd prefer this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EvXzwDOwUY&feature=related
  7. Kevin R.


    I just recently became a legal beer drinker. I am guessing you drank at every bar on Columbus-Bethel Road? If so, congratulations. Is this like the shuffle we do in Athens? Hit every bar on the strip, have one drink at each, then go to the next...
  8. Kevin R.


    I don't get it.
  9. See you in a few. Shit better be good.
  10. Someone donate me one bottle. I probably won't like it anyways.
  11. I feel like I need to try this stuff after seeing 150+ posts about it over the years on here.
  12. Loading now...watching later. http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/gran_torino/ #3, "Watch Full" looks like quality. Enjoy. I'll take my rep too. KTHNXXX
  13. I still think this is a mod posting because his screen name changed with the "( )" around it since he came the first time.
  14. Right. You went from neg to neutral so someone must like you.
  15. I guess their "formula" just ends up being higher for them.
  16. Probably based on ads. CR is not full of ads for outside things that would pay CR for us clicking on them. I believe that is why we have our "in-house" sponsors. One of the great things about this site actually.
  17. Dude, if you put this on CR and your girlfriend shows up at his house you know someone from here will squeal.
  18. NBA Jam is fucking stupid. I have vowed to ban anyone from my house who says "I'm heating up!"
  19. Cannot attend. Phil will probably be on his A game this time and win since I'm not his partner.
  20. Kevin R.

    Cr has

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