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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.

    Friday Night

    You and another man are planning to meet up at Red Robin for dinner? :gay:
  2. Give me my fucking money by tomorrow ho.
  3. +1 We had some onion bacon fucking delicious mess one night and I have never consumed more pizza. This thread has inspired me to get pizza tonight. I'm thinkin' Kingy's.
  4. I thought it was fucking delicious. But I was drunk.
  5. I guess I couldn't find the funny, but I also think Adam Sandler is an unfunny fuck so my opinion might be biased.
  6. Well I'll be damned. Stats don't lie. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/adriannalima.jpg
  7. I wanted to stab the bitch after I saw the jail footage of her talking to her parents about how shitty the food was. BITCH YOUR CHILD IS MISSING I guess that is irrelevant if she killed her though.
  8. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/IQ.jpg
  9. Do it. Thing looks fun. Fuck rust.
  10. I work out my triceps six times a day so fuck you.
  11. Truth. We had one at my highschool and she was secretly a huge whore. Teehehehehe
  12. Found this linked, lol. http://www.cracked.com/forums/topic/41747/photoshop-contest-ending-12.23.08-boobs-things-that-dont-usually-have-boobs
  13. Sorry to bring this gayness back, but drifting is on Speed right now. It is definitely gayer than NASCAR.
  14. *crossing fingers that my stock goes back up*
  15. Or if they had eye patches on.
  16. "You ain't gotta come all sirens and shit can come silent and shit just pick me up."
  17. I love it....have always wanted one.
  18. I leave my car running non-stop so this does not happen to me.
  19. I just had two Whopper Jr.s and my ass smells like it.
  20. Was Jeff mackin' on your girl?
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