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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I'd like to buy these if you still have them. I'll pay double.
  2. I once paid $89.99 for an exhaust fluid fluid flush and top off.
  3. I have come across people ignorant as shit at NTB. THIS ignorant, that is hard to imagine, but I could see it. Also, this is old as fuck.
  4. ? I would have made him walk. Fuckers like him raising my insurance rates.
  5. +1 I, as every winter, laughing at people as I pass them in their 4WD Honda Pilots in my fucking Mustang. It is honestly the people who drive TOO cautiously who cause the wrecks. Pilot in front of me making me merge onto a freeway at 25 mph could only end in ME getting rear ended. Stupid fucks.
  6. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    Yes. Better wear a nice shirt to impress him.
  7. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    Shiiittt. I'll leave now then. See you in a few.
  8. Kevin R.


    I'm white and thus incapable of dancing so you will rarely see it happen.
  9. Kevin R.


    I do if you have never noticed at the bar.
  10. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    I'm gonna mack on your girl.
  11. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    In the garage or no?
  12. Haha. I would have gave him some cash for that too.
  13. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    Triple and sounds good.
  14. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    The one I gave you? It wasn't for a fried pickle though.
  15. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    Only reason I vote Hooters. :nod:
  16. Kevin R.

    saturday night

    Probably in for some Hooters on Main.
  17. Haha...funny shit. Stuff at the bottom was all good too.
  18. Kevin R.


    She is showing us her ass...how classy do you want her to be?
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