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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Understandable. I guess this didn't come through as you stated here when I read your previous posts is all.
  2. Agreed. Poor choice of words on my part. But the way it comes off is the latter and the fact that he keeps defending it shows a lack of "looking" at the situation and thinking behind the acts instead of just filling out a check list.
  3. Guy on StangNet did it no problem.
  4. Not cut and dry? You think his action makes him guilty of the following three: involuntary manslaughter aggravated vehicular homicide aggravated vehicular assault You backed up your rationale by stating the law to us and how his actions fit into each category. That seems pretty cut and dry. If everyone read the law and said "Did he do this? Check. Did he do this? Check. Did he do this? Check. Alrighty, he is guilty, shut 'er down," we would be one fucked society. That is all I'm sayin'. You can go back into your lawyer bubble now.
  5. Bacon mat = best post Will try if I am ever up for breakfast
  7. If this happened to my sister you would never see me in the U.S. again, and you would never see that mother fucker again either. But I don't have a wife and kids, etc.
  8. You're not wrong at all. You can read the laws to us. However, if it was as cut and dry as you are making it sound then we would not need a justice system nor jurors. People are arguing with you not on the basis that your reading comprehension skills are sub par, but because your ignorance on interpretation and application of the law is. I don't care if your wife is a lawyer. That charge, based on the circumstances, is bullshit. You should see this or I hope you never see jury duty.
  9. Drift....at least NASCAR involves beer drinking.
  10. I was like WTF is going on in the background...a war? Only to realize it is a fucking sledgehammer explosive festival.
  11. I'll just stick to watching porn. No ill effects to my brain come from it. Maybe a little chaffing....but that is all.
  12. Haha. It'll be like PINKS. We can call it PONG. New reality TV series.
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