So, apparently D.Wiggs IS getting involved with their group, and with Kevan and I working together as good guys trying to talk with Paul after his quitting announcement, we're both saying F@CK'EM and we're amping up our game this year.
- We're redoing the cc& website. It'll be much more visually appealing (photo/video focused) and will have more information.
- I've spoken to Studio 47 (where Craig and Trina both said that the other group has become "stale" and "way too politicized") about ideas for promotions. More convos with shops/car groups to come.
- Every week we'll try to put together a video or photo montage with interviews and content for our site and Facebook page.
From IPS to Byers to OhioBimmers, Z.R.O.C., SCCA, and everywhere in-between, I'm asking all of you as car guys to reach out and have people call me by PM, email ( or cell (614-578-2685 call or text). I want partners that will co-promote their car-related shop/business/services, car clubs that have special events
- AutoX, rallyX, drag racing events
- Car shows like GoodGuys, Arthritis Car Show,TimmayFest or QSL cruise-ins on Friday evenings
- Car Club events like Hocking Hill/555 cruises, fundraisers
- Open houses for car shops
...all for FREE on our site and Facebook page. The "every-Saturday-rain-or-shine-Cup-O'-Joe" meets are the foundation, but we will use our group to be a megaphone for other car interests in Columbus. We will own nothing, but leverage our core group of supporters to promote car-community events that we can all enjoy. I've never done this before, but were doing it now.
Simple fact is: where other cities get by just fine with one Cars and Coffee group, Paul has seen fit to muddy the waters, and fracture the car community here in Columbus with his own agenda. Cars and Coffee is a passion project, not a business-generating entity, and while we've grown a lot in the last 5 years I want to do everything I can to grow our group even more with the help of everyone willing to add car-themed content and color to our events.
PLEASE DON'T COPY/PASTE THIS INTO OTHER FORUMS. Columbus Racing has been a great base to help me easily get Cars and Coffee up and running, and with such a diverse mix I'm looking to quietly let you all know what I'd like to do. Anyone - or any group - that you want me to talk to personally and face-to-face, just let me know or, better yet, give me an intro and I'll be happy to initiate the conversation.
Look forward to talking with people in the near future!