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Everything posted by truckin

  1. If he rear ended her its on him. Dosen't matter if she pulled out in front of him. Atleast that's what I have been told by some cops. Better to hit the car in the side than in the rear. Had a similar accident many yrs ago, not nearly the damage, but the other person took off when I wouldn't accept money at the scene for damages and went to call the cops. they took off. I went to the local PD to report it with the plate # and had a witness ( another bystander) and cops told me if their wasn't much damage to let it go, cause i'll be cited for hitting them in the rear. Fucked up. I don't know the whole story, but if its a rear end could be bad for viper. Sucks though atleast everyones ok.
  2. True.....I agree, But tell me why when someone disagrees with that lifestyle is automatically a homophobe a gay basher crazy religious nut? How come Gays and lesbians can flaunt their beliefs in public and in the media and have demonstrations based on their beliefs ( which is their right ) but a non believer in that lifestyle is held to a different standard? Is it all not freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc? I honestly could careless if someone wants to have sex with a person of the same sex or get married to a same sex partner. It's not my lifestyle, I don't believe in it but I'm not preaching for or against it either. The difference is if you don't believe in that lifestyle you do not have the same rights ( from a society standpoint ) to voice your opinion. That's a fact. Your labeled and outcast and should be put in your place. /////////////// WTF is with his arrogance to think he can go out in the national spotlight and use his clout/popularity to bash others? A&E doing what they did is ironically funny. They are using their power to fuck him right back. I would imagine it doesn't feel to good. Perhaps he is thinking about how the shoe fits when it's on the other foot. In the end, he doesn't exactly strike me as the type of guy/belief that I would want my kids watching.///////////////// I don't see anywhere where he went out into the national spotlight and used his fame to bash others? He was interviewed by GQ and he answered a question. How is that actively going out to bash other's? He didn't make a Commerical or stand on the courthouse steps or go on Letterman and say those words. He doesn't preach against it on the show everyweek. I don't think he's second guessing himself at all, if someone feels that strongly about his faith and beliefs no matter what the issue is. Your not second guessing it. As for kids watching it, My kids watch the show both my wife and I watch it most of our family watches it, hell prob 90% off the people in my area watch it. I'm happy my kids have the opportunity and choose to watch a show that does not involve cussing, fighting, people getting shot, stabbed, use of drugs or alcohol, women showing off their tits etc etc etc which is our main stream media these days. Instead a show that has a REAL FAMILY with strong family values and a strong family bond, taking care of your neighbors, eating meals together and ending on a prayer.....I'll take everytime. And seems like a majority of the country does as well as it's the #1 show in TV History. The media and the gay and Lesbian groups are the ones using fame and clout to push their ideals down our throats. If you don't believe in the lifestyle, believe marriage is between a man and woman your the problem! People are tired of being told what we need to accept. This discussion could go on till the end of time. What I find Ironic is AE suspended Phil from the show........yet from now till Xmas AE is running a DD marathon. LOL. AE has the most to loose here.
  3. Agreed.........Our Backfield needs major help. Clemson scares me in the passing game. And I agree Miller wasn't the only issue in the Passing game, but he is the field general he didn't get it done, And that was shown in the play calling in that lack of confidence in passing. Blame it on weather, the sun, grubs in the grass etc. But when you see other QB's who are freshman and sophmores tearing it up and compare to Miller......he's got a lot of work to do. He's a helluva athlete no doubt, not a Passing QB.
  4. I can see a lot of the Walmart, TSC, Dicks Merch owned partially by AE. I can't see them handing over some rights to the actual business products. I hope they're not that naïve.
  5. I see what your saying. They shouldn't be shocked, but this is all they know. this is how society is in their area. I don't think they are that naïve, but I also don't think the majority of the world is against his opinion on Gays. The media is the puppet master here. At what point do we tell people a group in society overrules your faith?
  6. I'm not sure they own anything regards to Duck/Buck Commander. Duck Dynasty mech, products etc yes. Be interesting to know though wouldn't it. In the end A&E will fold to the Robertsons. They can't afford to lose the #1 Show in TV History. Their is a HUGE following and support for the family. A&E will be a loser in this fight. Look at Chic Fil A. stronger than ever
  7. They made a ton of money before this show and will make a ton of money without the show, I'm a fan of the show, It's honestly the only show on TV where you can watch as a family, and family means everything in the show and is backed by faith. I'm not a Faith nut by anymeans, but we need more shows like this in our society. I think they should walk away, piss on A&E. Stick to family and Faith.
  8. Why do they or anyone else need to conform to a part of society that they don't believe in? Quite honestly without your faith, and values ( and those are different for everyone) nothing else matters. If you sellout on that you've sold out on your life.
  9. I agree with ya People shouldn't be shocked to hear someone from the deep south who's roots are deep in tradition and his way of life and faith be opposed to Gay marriage, rights etc. It's not a shock. And I find a hard time believing A&E is shocked by this as well. As for the Black comment, non of us were there. He could be 100% accurate or lying out his teeth. Only he knows what he saw with his eyes. A lot of things of various degree happened during the course of History. I'm a 1/4 Cherokee my mother more so and her mother Full, a lot of my ancestors were Native American. Many of these proud people were beaten, raped, murdered, enslaved, forced off their land promised things that never came. I feel very strong and proud to have Cherokee blood and lineage in my Makeup. But I'm not offended everytime someone laughs at a Native American in dress, or speaks of how they were savages and deserved what they got. Talk about a People getting fucked over...... In the end society and mainly the media have become thin skinned to opinions. It's an opinion who cares what peoples opinions are.....they're like assholes everyone has one. Unless it's against what others believe then its an issue.
  10. I understand what your saying. It's a fine line with the 1st. The Gov. did not prevent him from his opinions he was allowed to do so. So I believe his 1st were not violated, but by envoking his freedom of speech his is being crucified. face it it's a double standard, if your not on the same view points as what the liberal entity is your in the wrong. I don't think you follow what I'm saying, and maybe I didn't say it well ( I went to public school lol ), He is being crucified for his OPINIONS by the media and society. He was not pushing his beliefs on anyone. He was asked a question and he answered it w what he believes and his opinion on the matter. Freedom of speech. And he did so. I agree he was not prevented from giving his opinion, but in todays society if your opinion or belief is not with main stream media or the bleeding hearts out there or liberal Hollywood your crucified and are shunned. That's my beef, we let the media and every person who gets offended run this country. It's sad.
  11. Can't get your hands on the ball when their 10' above your head. he's improved alittle , he's not a passer.
  12. Society and media is the new government. Government just reacts. Squeeky wheel gets the grease.
  13. Thanks, Going to look at a 73 Sears ST/16 Suburban tomorrow.
  14. Call me crazy it's the truth and you know it. Your just afraid to say it
  15. It's not about Duck Dynasty, Duck Commander, Phil Robertson, If you like the show or not. It's about freedom of speech freedom of opinion freedom of stating your beliefs. That freedom is GONE!! unless your views are with main stream media or liberal. It's what we have fought and died for over 200 years. And we as a weak ass bitch society have let this happen. Our society is a FUCKING JOKE AND IS SICKENING, WHEN IT'S OK TO LET KANYE WEST, OPRAH, THE FUCKS FROM JERSEY SHORE, KARDASHIANS ETC DO AND SAY THE SHIT THEY DO AND NOTHING HAPPENS. BUT WHEN A TRADITIONAL FAITH BASED MORAL FAMILY, PERSON OR BUSINESS SAYS SOMETHING THEIR CRUCIFIED! FUCK SOCIETY
  16. Looking for a Vintage (pre 80) Garden Tractor as a project. I'm not in need of a deck, just looking for the tractor for a resto project. MUST RUN AND DRIVE, Like to keep it under $300 I'll pick up, let me know what you've got! Thanks
  17. So tired of hearing this crap, if your beliefs and opinions are not with main stream media or Hollyweird your a racist, gay basher, horrible person that should be removed from society. People can't stand when your a traditionalist and hold true to your values and faith. I conform to nobody, and support Chic Fil A and Mr. Robertson. Speak for what you believe in no matter what. And the helluva of it is.....their not pushing their beliefs on anyone, Just stating what those beliefs are. And I respect that. Believe what you want just don't push it on me, my family or my kids.
  18. I think your talking about Floor and Décor? It is an outlet center, a lot of the products are seconds, end runs and not the same quality. I checked on some of the hardwood their for a person and it was a cheaper softer product with a stain that resembled the product they were trying to achieve. I have bought backsplash material there though, just do research on any hardwood or wood products. Menards actually has very nice lumber, IMO better than Lowes or HD. I built my shed using most of their Lumber and did purchase a garage door there for the same building. Now as far as cabinets, doors etc I'm not informed on what they offer.
  19. Grille, Valance and shifter ball all Sold
  20. I've been considering one for my wifes car, I've got one on my Edge and love it. If I can sell my parts I'll be having PPC install one
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