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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Cool. I can respect the build and say, "yeah, it turns gud." Still groce.
  2. Oh. My bad. For a minute I thought you held a double standard in the FS section before moving it. My fault man. I apologize.
  3. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/527/263/693.gif
  4. Engine, trans, rear end, suspension, and brake lines are done. Time to start some body work.
  5. Be Cordell: get on people for joking with Grant in his thread, joke ABOUT Grant in another FS thread.
  6. Claire and Elliot were both lifted 3 inches and both sported 31's which made them capable for the amount of off roading/farm work I used them for. I liked them that way both for appearance and performance. That being said, I actually like this, save for the parts of the interior that are red. It's different from all the bro-lifted things or convertibles on the road. It's a Jeep thing... That XJ Geeto posted is actually groce.
  7. Really? What if both put down sell price and go their own ways? I've never had a prob with that. I guess if someone put $500 for a Lambo or what not it would...
  8. 1) Go to title agency with other guy. 2) Tell them you're trading. 3) ??? 4) Profit.
  9. $1150. Please don't make me post to CL.
  10. I wish to hell I could find a pic of your Tercel.
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1009&pictureid=8955
  12. 1978 K10 1996 Cherokee ...I enjoy slow vehicles that go most anywhere apparently.
  13. I either agree or don't care enough about the games you listed to comment save for these three. I think Auburn, TTUN, and Wisky, win by more. Auburn pacifically. I'm calling that a lopsided blowout.
  14. I agree. Let's make it official.
  15. Talk to me on price. Runs great. It's my wife's DD and hauls her and our 3 year old son around town. Miles stay low since she's a stay at home mom. Good for any DD. Everything works. Heat, air, radio, power windows, power seat, cruise...
  16. ...I can rent it to ya if you'd like.
  17. I know. Nobody wants this gen apparently.
  18. GLWS man. Looks like a good start to a project.
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