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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. It's almost as if politicians, ya know...lie. Weird. While I agree Trump was an idiot and should have stayed off of Twitter Biden wouldn't know how to use Twitter if he had a daily briefing about it every morning. By the afternoon he'd be back to thinking his phone is a Casio calculator. His claim to fame is def his live appearances. I, for one, have enjoyed them. They're hilarious.
  2. Fair enough. For the record I think they're both buffoons. Different types perhaps but buffoons none the less.
  3. Imagine paying $150k for an automatic Chevy.
  4. Another undefeated loses to an unranked team. How far does Ok State fall?
  5. He's trying to get back all his restoration money.
  6. Had they just listed it for what they wanted or slightly more it likely would have sold here or elsewhere with no listing fee or hassle involved. $10k more than desired is nothing on a $250k car. On a ~$15k car that's quite a leap.
  7. I don't know a good attorney but Matt (BuckeyeROC) on here has his realtors license. Maybe he can help y'all out.
  8. Maverick 88? Great shotguns. I've had a Moss 500, Rem 870, and Mav 88. None failed me. I'd recommend any of them to anyone. The Mav 88 was cheaper but ya can't beat free. I'd take a free Moss 500 every day of the week. Great score. Enjoy it. It won't let ya down.
  9. Clay, what the fuck is wrong with you?
  10. I know the owner of that thing. :lolguy: He used it because he knew it would garner attention and help promote his gym I guess. Basically just used it as a rolling billboard. Use to train/instruct Krav with him. Great guy. Would not want to piss him off though.
  11. Talked to dad tonight. He's gonna have some nice gear he's gonna be selling in a couple months or so. A couple powered Mackie speakers, I think he said an 8 channel board, and maybe a few other things. He also said he'd def answer any questions. If you PM me your number I could give it to him. He said on the gear he's getting rid of it's not very old and all in perfect condition. He's acquiring it as part of a deal doing some consulting work and has no need for it. Said he'd let it go for about half what it's all worth.
  12. Gotcha. My mind just went to, I dunno, I guess house party's or something. I'll talk with them and let you know. Since dad retired about 6 years ago he's done even more consulting since he has more time so he's use to answering any and all questions.
  13. Haven't been near Cardinal Center for about 6-7 years. Use to work youth retreats at Heartland Retreat Center. I was back up there to play at one this weekend and holy hell has that place exploded. It's WAY different than I remember and it hasn't been all that long.
  14. Man, I didn't even think of this. That's all you'd need for shows and what not. Don't need two turntables and a microphone. My dad and brother own a live audio company. Dad has 35+ years experience and has worked with Live! Technology. They're always buying/selling gear and always look to hook up schools, churches, etc. Being that my brother went to a trade school and my cousins daughter now goes to Tolles maybe they'd be willing to assist. I'll try to talk to them tomorrow. Really all you need is 2 power speakers, a couple of stands, and a 4 channel mixer or something. You could run everything from a laptop or even a cell phone. When I thought DJ I thought professional DJ. Didn't even think just something to play music through and plug in a mic to make announcements and such. Let me shift my direction and see what they recommend.
  15. What a crazy year for college football. So 'Bama fell from #1 to #5. How far does Iowa fall?
  16. I've got a buddy who has been a DJ for years and does consulting work/helps folks get started. He's got a podcast too. I could get you in touch with him if you'd like.
  17. These still look so good. GLWS. Wish I was in the market...and could fit in one.
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