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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. So...shipping it. That exists now. You CAN do that here. Park your car and get out. Downtown, uptown Westerville, old Hilliard, etc. Many places within the city and the suburbs this is readily avail. Had a buddy who worked at NW for years, had a condo within walking distance and didn't even own a vehicle for about 5-6 years until he got married and they moved out of the city and that was years ago. It's much easier now.
  2. How many in this situation do you think are buying Tesla's? I think we're comparing apples to ramen noodles at this point. :gtfo: Deal. Dibs on your cars...and planes.
  3. Congrats and welcome home. Bring me another compound bow.
  4. It says "gun buy back", not "brick buy back".
  5. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1009&pictureid=9745
  6. We could always go back to late night Kroger hangs.
  7. Is that what you gathered from this... ...in response to your claim that... ...? Sorry, but I fail to see how that was "scolding". It was a mere response with no malice intended. I also fail to see any accusatory remarks there. Maybe my typed words did not convey my thoughts as clearly as I thought they had.
  8. Man, that's such a solid desk. Shame it would go to the dump. Glad ya got rid of everything else and in good time, really. Too bad you gave away my bookshelf though.
  9. Glad you got the CB load without issue.
  10. Ope. My only response to this and advice to you is as such: you're not the media. Don't aid them nor stoop to their level. Don't make everything about race.
  11. I know several POC who respect officers. YMMV. Absolutely agree.
  12. Dafuq does it matter the shade of melanin? The question posed was, and I quote, "Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?" It didn't mention race.
  13. That's Daniel Shaver. See also: Breonna Taylor Tamir Rice Ismael Lopez Duncan Lemp Amadou Diallo Atatiana Jefferson Botham Jean Aiyana Stanley Jones Philando Castile Ryan Whitaker That's more than one. Massive oof.
  14. Did you try rebooting it?
  15. Fear? Nah. Respect? Absolutely...and they don't.
  16. This. Also, if someone were attacking me or mine with a knife (or any type of object) and an LEO (or anyone else honestly) had the opportunity and means to stop that using up to lethal force I would certainly hope they would.
  17. It was discussed and who knows what will happen in the future, but for now the $free.fiddy tree fiddy is goin' in. Talked to dad a little more today about it. Gotta get all the info but apparently it's been rebuilt in the past and may already have some aftermarket things done to it. Didn't have time to talk to him long though.
  18. If I had any idea how to do that or the equipment to do so I would.
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