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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Otis Nice

    Mac people

    Where nice? Anybody seen nice?
  2. http://upload.alfa145.com/files/12/AwesomeThread.jpg
  3. Otis Nice

    Mac people

    I have a 10 year old Dell. Still runs great, boots fast, and has never given me 1 prob. They're like cars Proper upgrades and maintenance and they can work fine. Steve Jobs watches you sleep.
  4. Otis Nice


    Dude has the size of a Tight End but killer speed. Lethal.
  5. Otis Nice


    Working on it. Back on topic...
  6. Nice. Very clean. I like. I'm looking at a 99 Dakota a friend owns right now. May get a great deal. Needs paint bad though. Really? http://carphotos.cardomain.com/ride_images/1/1954/221/4882610149_large.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GNe5ZVS2DwY/R5sgw_jeNdI/AAAAAAAAAWI/iPDEmFS5zzs/s320/custom-lifted-ford-trucks.JPG http://i7.tinypic.com/4ml9gep.jpg Simple yet effective. :thumbsup:
  7. Otis Nice


    Wish VW would spend some of the money it took to build that place to desludge my B5 and figure out what electrical demon has possessed my MKIV.
  8. Also my point. Plain ignorance does not limit itself to racism. She thinks there's a friggin conspiracy with black women working against black men. She's off her rocker.
  9. +1 This was my main point. Thank you. You have said it much clearer than I did. EDIT: Wow. Just rewatched here at home. Could here everything this time. She's just totally ignorant. It's almost unbelievable that people think, feel, and believe that way.
  10. Hard to hear all she said at work on my 1932 PC monospeaker in the case. Maybe I missed...alot. I was actually born in Columbus and spent the better part of my life living and working there. I come from a mixed family with a little african but mainly cherokee indian and english and my best friend is latino/black/irish. Maybe you should at least strap on a parachute before jumping to conclusions. Hmmm.... Also, as I said, I have a feeling she'd say the same against a white person if they ticked her off by giving her diet instead of regular by accident. Don't read too much into a forum posts. My thoughts exactly. http://www.coyotescorner.com/images/founding.jpg
  11. http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Portals/0-Articles/11818/steve_meier.jpg?width=170&height=112 I've never even heard of Batelle. Of course, I don't live there, but I'd still thought I would have heard of it. Hmm...
  12. Um...yeah...nice ammo cache. We don't have that much.
  13. http://picture.funnycorner.net/funny-pictures/4900/caps-lock.jpg Plus, she's I don't know if she's "racist" so much as just plain old fashioned 100% ignorant. I have a feeling she'd do the same type of thing with other 'key words', if you will, against any race or creed. Nor rain, nor sleet, nor snow...or anything else besides an ignorant female... I gotta admit though, some things she said made me chuckle. "You killed Martin Luther King!" "I'm not hurting you, you're hurting me." "But your I.Q.'s are lower..." What an idiot. BTW, I meant chuckle AT her, not with her. I hope she has charges pressed against her for acting like this towards an innocent postal carrier. ~ White Male
  14. Really?! :bangbang: http://hackedirl.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/headbang-win.gif
  15. Outside West Jeff my fam owns land and that's where we go to shoot primarily. I'll be sure the 10-20 people that we go with sometimes all swing by when he opens. I know a few of us are looking to buy soon. Keep us updated on the new shop.
  16. Thanks all but I have a confession. I notice I didn't post it in the original post but these aren't all mine. Just the 9mm carbine on the gripod at the top is mine. The rest are a good friends of my who lives conveniently across the hall from me. I have access to them though so I'm ok with it. Creeper? Haha. How'd you know? From the train thread? Useful? Nah...unless it's your absolute last resort the big gun becomes heavy club. Fun to shoot either way. Again, and it's my fault since I didn't elaborate, it's between 4 of us. We'll make it work. Plus, it's easier to grab another loaded weapon than to reload. Everyone knows that. I can't see the ammo pic at work but will check at home. We thought about scattering all the rounds but I said, "Yeah, everyone does that...but then we have to pick them all up." This resulted in us totally forgetting to set our full ammo cans and crate in the pic. Oh well. It's there. I'll tell the other guys you all approve. Shot one of the AK's and the AR last weekend. Will shoot more this weekend I think. Good times. BTW, you're not ready. I see no ammo stash.
  17. Maybe he didn't want to rock a dozen mullets. I keed! I'm too poor for either.
  18. It's like botox. When something is beautiful why mess with it? Just my opinion.
  19. Otis Nice


    No, please, go on....btw, whats in the bag you brought? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ALgJmZKXivs/TIFpSbtM3LI/AAAAAAAAHFg/vxGujGAZm_c/s1600/Chris+Hansen+Child+Molestation+Fake+Issue.jpg
  20. Otis Nice


  21. Because BMX doesn't allow him to jump a kagillion feet in the air. Don't bring a Big Wheel to a gun fight....wait....he already did that too.
  22. Sorry for the poor quality. Crap cell phone ya know. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs491.ash2/76428_167350669955363_100000412925888_435077_1687135_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1128.snc4/149028_167349609955469_100000412925888_435069_4988240_n.jpg
  23. http://www.loyalrescue.com/uploads/pet_c69083ed1fdb76a1670ebd968e7da7ba.jpg
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