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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. http://spamusement.com/gfx/162.gif
  2. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/multimedia/dynamic/00529/Clarett_Tryout_Foot_529102e.jpg ^ Clicky ^
  3. LOL! "Everything's better with an acronym."
  4. Bring them to my place and they can watch one every 10 minutes or less from my window. Yeah, those dashed lines are tracks.
  5. Weird. Was just there. Channel 10 is here and the funeral is ending so as is custom The Dispatch probably considers it a done deal and it's lost in the memories of time. http://www.myfox28columbus.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/videos//images/homepage_stopimg-1-_WzuxG.jpg Channel 10 Fox 28 NBC 4 Hopefully one of these will work for ya.
  6. Prayers still heading that way. The Soldier that was brought home today was hit by an IED. He wasn't as fortunate. Tell your brother we're all behind him and our prayers are with him.
  7. Good luck. The funeral procession just passed. To see so many businesses lock their doors and so many people from the town come out was amazing. The middle school even walked the kids down. God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops!
  8. I know it's tough, but as I said, it's in the blood...or at least I like to think so. So where exactly did your friend end up? MOS? Thanks.
  9. If I can get a guaranteed shot at the EOD pipeline I'll go Navy. I never wanted to go Navy since grandpa is a 21 year USAF EOD vet, bro-in-law is a USMC SGT, friend is a USMC PFC, and other friends are Army Ranger and Infantry. I've always heard the stereotypes such as, "90 Sailors go down, 45 couples come up," and "Do you really want to be stuck on a ship surrounded by men for 6 months or more at a time?" Truth is I never looked into the Navy for myself. Navy is the only branch that jump AND dive trains it's EOD's though. Therefore they can deploy anywhere at anytime with any team, be it SEAL, Ranger, Green Beret, Marine Recon, etc. If I can't go USN EOD I'll go EOD for any branch. Probably USMC. Luckily the job I want is across all 4 branches. EDIT: Just realized you are military so you probably know all this. Thanks for serving Soldier.
  10. This is exactly why I'm losing weight. So I can go EOD and prevent this crap from happening. Welcome home Soldier. Welcome home. Forgive me customers. If you come to my office or call my phone I will be out by the street proudly waving my American flag as the procession comes through.
  11. Race –noun 1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing. 2. races, a series of races, usually of horses or dogs, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races. 3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race. 4. urgent need, responsibility, effort, etc., as when time is short or a solution is imperative: the race to find an effective vaccine. 5. onward movement; an onward or regular course. 6. the course of time. 7. the course of life or a part of life. 8. Geology . a. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river. b. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream. 9. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized. 10. the current of water in such a channel. 11. Also called raceway. Machinery . a channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing. 12. Textiles . a. the float between adjacent rows of pile. b. race plate. –verb (used without object) 13. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race. 14. to run horses or dogs in races; engage in or practice horse racing or dog racing. 15. to run, move, or go swiftly. 16. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc. –verb (used with object) 17. to run a race against; try to beat in a contest of speed: I'll race you to the water. 18. to enter (a horse, car, track team, or the like) in a race or races. 19. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.
  12. What the hey...I'm bored on my day off. What's this? Baltimore -> Cleveland 146 miles Baltimore -> Cincinnati 133 miles You went from a 15 mile difference to a 13 mile difference actually losing 2 miles. You fail so hard it amuses me.
  13. Who is in office now? Yeah, not him. I'm voting against anyone who is in office currently. Career politicians are worthless.
  14. I'm a little different than most. I don't really have any material items of my lost loved ones because they're just that. Material items. I hold onto the things nearest and dearest. Memories of good times and maybe some pictures. I understand not everyone has the same outlook as I do though. One day I too will be gone and all of my material items will be worth only what my loved ones can get out of them monetarily ...and I hope they see it the same way.
  15. Deal. I'll take exploding baby doll. Takers?
  16. I'll take that trade. Toy phone is use for a remote to detonate a chain of charges. 5 claymores. Who will trade me for the toy phone detonator + 5 charges?
  17. Cool. Remote is yours. I'm taking the rubberband around the cup. First necessity for a sling shot. Now that I've made a sling shot, what can I get for it?
  18. I'll be ready to race...in two weeks.
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